















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/肖顏

TV Series, Deng Xiaoping, Metaphors Current Infighting

CCTV’s new TV series, Deng Xiaoping, describes

the historical event of Deng and other senior cadres defeated

Jiang Qing, i.e., the Gang of Four, as scapegoats

of the Cultural Revolution.

Sources revealed this is the first public demonstration of the

CCP internal fights on the regime TV.

The series, took five years to complete, was aired 10 days

after the downfall of Zhou Yongkang.

Is the TV series a metaphor of current politics in the regime?

The following is our experts’ analysis.

The TV series about Deng Xiaoping and the historical events

was aired in the CCTV prime time.

This state made TV series revealed for the first time,

the politburo emergency meeting on the evening of October 6,

1976, in Beijing Yuquan Hill where Ye Jiangyin resided,

after the Gang of Four were arrested.

The party history society director, Yuan Wuzhen indicated

the reform is in deep water, and the TV series reflects historical

significance and promotes social development

during the comprehensive deep reform, quoted the state media.

On July 29, 10 days prior to the premier, former Politburo

Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang was announced to be

sacked, triggering worldwide media attention and focus on

Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang’s behind scene supporter.

Former Asian Newsweek writer Huang Jinqiu: “It first reflects

the current struggle.

China was faced with a big turning point in 1976 when the

Cultural Revolution was ended.

Now, China is faced with another turning point which is no

less than the Cultural Revolution, the corrupt group of Zhou

Yongkang and many other tigers of big and small.

The regime is comparing the two of them, for sure."

The TV series is officially claimed to commemorate the

110th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping.

The CCP claimed Deng as the chief architect of reform and

opening up.

This title was due to his reform and opening up after the end

of Cultural Revolution.

In the premier, senior cadres conspired to take the military

coup approach to suddenly arrest Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao,

Wang Hongwen and Yao Wenyuan.

The four of them were punished as the Cultural Revolution

culprit on the verdict to end the Cultural Revolution.

Folk and historians analyzed the timing of the end of Cultural

Revolution was when the Communist regime was in an

unprecedented crisis:

The first generation of CCP leaders Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai,

Zhu De have died in 1976;

decade-long political movements had brought China’s economy

to the brink of collapse, and even wide-spread cannibalism;

Tangshan earthquake killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese

overnight, leading to large numbers of people risking their lives

fleeing Hong Kong and overseas.

Huang Jinqiu: “There is a great similarity, more than 300,000

people died of the Tangshan earthquake.

Ancient books have told us it’s a warning from heaven

to the rulers.

The recent earthquake in Yunnan is certainly another warning.

The situation in current China is simply outrageous."

Blog writer Liu Yiming: “The CCP is aware of the crisis for

its ruling.

They are continuing the regimes with all means, just like how

Deng Xiaoping engaged in reform and opening.

Since the gunfire in Tiananmen Square during the 1989 student

movement, people have realized Deng Xiaoping’s most

fundamental goal was not to revive China, but for the

continuation of the Communist ruling.

Without Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening up,

the CCP could have been a history."

Zhou Yongkang has become the first to break the hidden rule,

no punishment to Standing Committee.

This hidden rule was established by Deng Xiaoping within the

CCP after former leaders such as Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang

were sacked to suppress the 1989 student movement.

Liu Yiming: “The hidden rule was meant to sustain generations

of the CCP rulings.

But, the situation is just the opposite now.

If the hidden rule remains, it could endanger the CCP ruling.

Breaking the hidden rule now could sustain the CCP ruling."

Reportedly, the TV series, Deng Xiaoping, took the editorial

team three years to write the script, four months to shoot the

film, and another seven months for post-production.

Massive changes took place along with approval, waiting,

and broadcasting.

Finally, the 48 episodes of TV series were made

after five years of preparation.

It is thus believed the filming, post-production and approval

should take place in 2012, and especially after transition

of the 18th National Congress. The timing is intriguing.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/XiaoYan
