

【新唐人2014年08月09日訊】日前,黨媒《人民日報》刊登一篇評論員文章,指周永康案公布之後,要打好「三大戰役」,用中共黨史上具有重要地位的「三大戰役」,來表述周永康案後 的走勢和行動,而公布周永康只是「戰役」的開端。外界認為,黨媒的這篇文章,罕見的透露了「北戴河會議」,中共高層即將討論的議題。



美國哥倫比亞大學訪問學者陳破空:「可以做兩種理解,積極的理解,從依法治國來看,那麼在法律面前人人平等,反腐零容忍,沒有不可以打的老虎,但是三大戰 役中的另外兩大戰役,卻表明似乎它要轉向,似乎在反腐打虎方面告一段落,要轉向到經濟和外交領域,下文怎麼樣我們還是要拭目以待。」


大陸《亞洲新聞週刊》總監黃金秋:「如果從這個角度理解的話,它這樣規劃還是蠻好的,但是有一點,它即使在第一步反腐,那也只是萬里長城走完第一步,那周 永康不是第一個大老虎,也不是最後一個大老虎,也不是最大的老虎,還有更艱鉅的老虎在後面等著。說要建立一個反腐機制,對共產黨來講是不可能的,它是一種 製造腐敗的機制,除非它民主改革。」









採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

The Three Big Battles are Good Start For Beidaihe?

Recently, the Communist Party mouthpiece People’s Daily

published a commentator’s article, pointed out three major

battles after Zhou Yongkang case publication.

They used the three battles which have important history

position in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) history to

describe Zhou Yongkang case trend and action.

The publication of Zhou Yongkang case is just beginning

of the battle.

It’s believed that the party media’s article unusually revealed

CCP senior level discussion issue in Beidaihe meeting.

August 6, People’s Daily published a review article entitled

three battles for Beijing following Zhou Yongkang’s fall.

The article said as early as the end of 2013, Zhou case has

been almost the final nail, but the practical operation of every

step Bale.

The article compared the Zhou Yongkang case as Chinese

Civil War of Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign.

The Zhou Yongkang case is just start, there are still three battles

to fight.

The first of the battles is the upcoming fourth plenum of the

18th National Congress and the legal society which can be

seen as the extension of Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign.

The second major battle facing the party is economic, and

specifically how to develop an efficient market economy with

optimal resource allocation.

The third major battle facing the party is managing diplomatic

space and China’s peaceful rise.

Columbia University visiting scholar Chen Pokong: “We can

understand in two views.

The positive understanding is zero tolerance in anti-corruption

and everybody is equal before the anti-corruption without any untouchable tiger from the legal society point.

However, based on the other two battles of the three battles, it

shows they will change direction to the economic and diplomatic

area by stopping anti-corruption.

We still need to wait and see what will happen next."

The article said that the current anti-corruption campaign is

just the policy for the party and army.

The corruption in China is deep-rooted and wide range which

needs anti-corruption campaign, anti-corruption system, the

masses anti-corruption combined

Also, several local governments don’t act which gave

anti-corruption more challenges.

Mainland Asian News Week director Huang Jinqiu: “The

anti-corruption strategy is good from this point.

However, even the first step of anti-corruption is still the first

step of going through the Great Wall.

Zhou Yongkang is not the first big tiger, nor the last one or

the biggest tiger, there is a more daunting one waited.

It’s impossible to establish a anti-corruption system for the

Communist Party unless it has democratic reform because

the Communist Party is a corruption manufacture. “

It’s said in addition to the CCP Premier Li Keqiang, the 6

Standing Committee have arrived Beidaihe.

Beating tigers and keeping growth will be the focus of Beidaihe

meeting; plus how to sentence Zhou Yongkang is also

expectation for everybody.

Based on the current situation, the tiger fight team and the

tigers became white-hot.

The CCP leader Xi Jinping’s speech can only be expressed

through the local media.

For example Xi Jinping’s remark “To against corruption, personal

life and reputation are not important" has been repeatedly been

deleted online.

August 4, it was published in Changbai Mountain Daily.

It’s said there is secret agitation, liaison and planning coup

from the suspected senior level corruption in military due to

the scare of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption.

They attempted to attack Beidaihe meeting.

Chen Pokong pointed out, Beijing and Shanghai are two power


Beijing is headed by current regime of Xi jinping; Shanghai

is centered by the haunting old politics Jiang Zemin.

Chen Pokong analyzed Xi camp might quickly block a coup

based on previous a large number of canceled flights between

Beijing and Shanghai, as well as clean trash every 15 minutes

in Beijing.

And last month, the CCP pulled back the drilling platform

close to Vietnam and talked with Japan on how to improve


Chen Pokong: " the diplomatic relation is very tense recent two years since Xi Jinping came to power.

It was because Zhou Yongkang incited so-called violent demonstration to make Xi Jinping headache.

Now, their power struggle won for current after Zhou Yongkang’s

sack and the diplomatic relation is re-adjusted to coexist with

neighboring countries."

Huang Jinqiu pointed out, we must establish democratic

institution first to realize legal society, balance various interests

and realize Xi Jinping’s China dream.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu
