【禁聞】打擊山西幫後 習近平的下一個目標是誰?



據北京《中國經營報》報導,山西省運城市市委書記王茂設,於6月19號晚,在辦公室被「有關部門」帶走,同時被帶走的還有王茂設身邊的兩名工作人員,以及運城市某政府賓館經理的司機。 6月20號,山西當局在內部會議上宣佈,王茂設涉嫌嚴重違法違紀,已經接受調查。





據了解,與王茂設交好的「大老虎」,包括今年4月剛剛落馬的原中國科協「一把手」——原中宣部副部長申維辰。 王茂設和申維辰被懷疑設立皮包公司,進行錢財轉移。

如果說,王茂設的落馬是因為與「大老虎」申維辰有所牽連的話,那麼申維辰的背後則可能再揪出「更大的老虎」。據了解,申維辰在職期間長期主管山西宣傳系統工作,曾獲江派要員李東生大力支持,並與周永康之子周斌關係密切。 因此外界多傳聞,申維辰的落馬很可能也涉及周永康案。

據統計,今年以來,已經有四名與山西有關的省部級、及多名地市級中共高官落馬。其中包括山西人大常委會第一副主任「金道銘」,中共科協黨組書記、原太原市委書記「申維辰」,呂梁市市長「丁雪峰」等。 而這些落馬官員大部分與江派大員周永康、曾慶紅案有所關聯。



華頗:「要知道山西是中國一個重要能源基地。前些年煤炭價格暴漲,各個利益集團、各個權貴、各個大家族都把手伸進了煤炭資源領域,他們都是賤買貴賣、中飽私囊。我想這些家族都是深陷其中,都不乾淨。所以習近平這次是有的放矢的,當然不會僅僅限止山西地方的幾個官員,他是兩面打,既威懾下邊,又要威懾上邊 。」


採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

Shanxi Officials, Linked To Many “Big Tigers," Implicated

Shanxi Province is known as China’s energy hub.

This year, many Shanxi officials have been sacked.

Recently, another three high ranking officials

were detained for interrogation.

Included among them was municipal party secretary

of Yuncheng City, Wang Maoshe.

Wang has ties to many “big tigers," Chinese regime officials,

many of whom are known associates of Jiang Zemin.

Zhou Yongkang and Zeng Qinghong are a few.

China Business reported that Municipal Party Secretary

of Yuncheng City, Wang Maoshe, was taken away

on the evening of June 19.

Two staff members and a government guesthouse

driver manager of his were also taken away.

In a June 20 internal meeting, Shanxi authorities announced

the investigation of Wang Maoshe for an alleged serious

disciplinary violation.

Investigators confiscated his property in Yuncheng, Taiyuan

and Beijing.

More than 10 million yuan in cash from his Beijing home

was confiscated, said the report.

That afternoon, the Ministry of Supervision made

an announcement on its website.

Shanxi Provincial Standing Committee Du Shanxue

and Vice Chairman of Shanxi Political Consultative

Conference Ling Zhengce were also placed

under investigation for alleged serious violations of the law.

Coincidentally, both Du and Ling were from Yuncheng.

Reportedly, Wang Maoshe had close relations

with these two officials.

Analysts suspect a connection between the three dismissals

on the same day.

Beijing political observer Hua Po: “Xi Jinping’s

anti-corruption has mainly targeted the regional power groups.

In Hu’s reign, the Central has been weak and the locals

have their own interest factions.

The local governments ignore the Central’s order.

In order to strengthen his centralized power, Xi uses anti-

corruption to manipulate and suppress local power groups."

Big tigers associated with Wang Maoshe include the recently

sacked former Deputy Minister of Propaganda Shen Weichen.

Wang Maoshe and Shen Weichen allegedly ran

a shell company in order to transfer funds.

Was Wang Maoshe implicated due to his association with

big tiger Shen Weichen?

Most likely, even bigger tigers lie behind Shen.

It is said that Li Dongsheng strongly supported

Shen Weichen in his role at the propaganda field.

Shen also had close ties to Zhou Bin, Zhou Yongkang’s son.

It has been widely speculated that Shen was sacked

for his involvement in Zhou Yongkang’s case.

This year, many Shanxi high officials have been dismissed.

Included are Jin Daoming, first deputy director of the Shanxi

People’s Congress, Shen Weichen, party secretary

of China Association for Science and Technology,

and Ding Xuefeng, Mayor of Luliang City.

The majority are connected to Zhou Yongkang

and Zeng Qinghong.

Hua Po: “Shanxi is a microcosm of Communist officialdom.

There is a Shanxi faction in Shanxi.

There are also factions in Sichuan, Shandong, Beijing,

and other areas.

Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign in Shanxi serves

as a warning to others.

His first strike against the Shanxi faction is to have others

surrender and obey."

Between 1998 and 2008, Zeng Qinghong made frequent visits

to Shanxi in the name of promoting central China.

He has thus established connections with many officials

and media in Shanxi.

It is analyzed that the “earthquake" in Shanxi officialdom

is associated with the downfall of the Jiang faction.

Hua Po: “Shanxi is an important energy base in China.

Soaring coal prices in previous years have led various

groups and dignitaries into the coal industry.

They profit by buying low, selling high.

I believe all relevant families are deeply involved

in the coal industry.

I believe Xi Jinping is not only targeting Shanxi.

He intends to deter both sides, both the central and the local."

Hua Po analyzes that Xi Jinping will soon target other local

factions following his focus on Shanxi.

More intense struggle within the Communist Party

will soon begin.

Edit/ZhangTianYu Post-Production/LiYong
