【禁聞】中共被刺痛 重判「新余三君子」






















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/陳建銘

Why have Xingyu Activists Receive Heavy Sentences?

The three Xingyu activists, Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping,

and Li Sihua, were sentenced over the crime of provocation

on June 19.

Yushui District court of Xingyu City ruled,

six and a half years and three years imprisonment.

What have the three activists done to deserve

such heavy sentences?

The following is our report.

In April last year, Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping, and Li Sihua,

three activists from Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, were first

accused of inciting subversion of state power.

They were arrested on unlawful assembly, which was changed to

provocation, gathering people to disturb public order and

crimes of sabotaging legal enforcement by organizing and

using evil religion, in court.

However, within the 9,500 words of the court’s verdict,

nothing about how they have picked on, quarreled or disturbed

public order were mentioned.

In fact, the three of them were only displaying banners stating,

“Representatives ought to be elected!

Long live the civil spirit," and “Strongly demand official

property declaration" in front of their home.

Faced with such absurd authorities, Wei Zhongping roared

in the end of his statement in court: I should have taken

the plaintiff’s chair and accused those who abused power.

Zheng Jianwei, lawyer: I don’t think they’re guilty.

Guilty or not is based on whether or not they have caused

any damage to the society, what have they done to cause

the damage, and who are the victims of the damage.

Si Weijiang, Liu’s lawyer to Reuters: It isn’t fair,

it isn’t just.

The laws can just be bent however the government

wants it in politicized cases.

Amnesty International issued a statement condemning

the heavy sentences of the three activists.

William Nee, Amnesty International’s China Researcher:

The charges against these activists were preposterous.

Having a small private gathering and holding a banner in a

lobby entrance demanding financial transparency from officials

should not in any way constitute “picking quarrels"

and “illegal assembly."

In fact, the demand of publicizing official wealth has touched

the CCP’s tender spot.

A 2010 survey by the State Council Research Office,

the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Chinese

Academy of Social Sciences compiled data of 1.31 million

governmental official wealth.

The data showed these officials occupied 80% of

the national wealth.

In the national personal savings of 7.52 trillion yuan

(USD 1.2 trillion) by the end of June 2010, these officials’

personal savings were 4 trillion yuan (USD 640 billion).

In the total investment of 6 trillion yuan (USD 960) in the

stock market these officials again accounted

for 4.5 trillion yuan (USD 720 billion).

Liu Ping, as a laid-off worker, had intended to represent

laid-off workers in the 2011

National People’s Congress election.

She had organized netizens to visit Shandong

blind activist Chen Guangcheng.

She also went to Wukan in support of the villagers’ rights.

Chen Shuqing, Chinese dissident writer: Her acts were a shock

to the existing institution.

Frankly, it attacks the political privileges of the CCP

bigwigs and other privileges of the entire society.

Chen Shuqing Zhejiang indicates that Liu Ping’s daringness

frightens the CCP.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: The heavy sentence continues

to be the custom of the regime to threaten

and to maintain stability.

It is also clear that this June 4 has imposed great challenges

to the regime. They are in a panic.

Hu Jia says that the regime has posed heavy sentences

to activists Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi earlier this year.

Despite the threat and the maintenance of stability, many

Chinese continue to pay their solidarity

to Jiansanjiang and Qufu.

Hu Jia: This type of heavy sentence will only

disgust more people.

Many more will get dissatisfied and totally disappointed

by the system.

Recently, the unofficial universal suffrage in Hong Kong was

subject to 10 billion hacker attacks suspected from China.

The online voting system was subsequently crashed.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily commented that in the eyes

of the Communist authorities, any demand of right to vote

in Hong Kong or mainland is to challenge the ruling CCP,

is to subvert state power, and thus be subjected

to unscrupulous suppression.

On the day of the Xinyu court hearing, Liu Ping’s daughter

and mother were refused to attend, while many local activists

were “having tea" and disappeared.

More than a dozen activists made it successfully to Xinyu.

Among them, Liu Xiangyang, Sun Tao and

Yang Chong were arrested.

Interview/ZhuZhiShan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/ChenJianMing
