【禁聞】搜狐總監諷毛被拘 頭號邪教遭曝光



















The Director of Sohu was Detained Due to Mocking Mao.

The No.1 Cult is Exposed.

Zhao Mu, director of China’s Sohu blog, was detained by

Beijing Public Security Bureau on charges of picking quarrels.

It is said his detention is because he forwarded a resultant picture

depicting the former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader

Mao Zedong as the Eastern Lightning archbishop.

The comment said that the CCP itself is China’s No.1 cult.

The netizens are reminding Chinese to have a clear understanding

by comparing Mao Zedong to a cult leader.

Zhao Mu, formerly known as Zhang Shu, aged 57, graduated

from Fudan University Chinese department in the 80s, served as

the People’s Daily Sports Reporter.

He was detained one year due to participating in the 1989 Tiananmen

student movement march and changed name to Zhao Mu after that.

He served at Southern Weekend, Kaidi community and Sohu Website.

June 4, human rights lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan released in tweets

that he received Zhao Mu family’s call, saying Zhao Mu was taken

away from home at 6am to the first detention on charges of

picking the quarrel.

Zhao Mu family said Zhao Mu’s detention was because he

forwarded the Almighty God picture of the Cultural Revolution.

The picture was modified and he just forwarded.

May 30, it happened a woman was killed in a fast-food restaurant

in Shandong Zhaoyuan.

The CCP claimed that the 6 suspects including Zhang Lidong

are Almighty God cult members; the netizens showed in a variety

of ways that the CCP is China’s biggest cult.

This picture that Zhao Mu forwarded, is widely forwarded through

the Internet.

The former Hebei People’s Radio editor Zhu Xinxin pointed

out that the netizens retouched the picture to compare Mao

Zedong to a cult leader is actually reminding people to have a

clear understanding on the evil nature of the CCP.

The former Hebei People’s Radio editor Zhu Xinxin: “the CCP

itself is a cult and Mao Zedong was their biggest leader before

and an important symbol now.

China’s biggest cult organization is the CCP because it matches all cult


CCTV microblog illustrated five characteristics of a cult with

picture and text:

1, a strong exclusivity, to make their sect always the greatest;

2, strong compulsivity, to establish their validity by brainwashing and self-praise;

3, to benefit by oppressing others;

4, ensure their own benefits by building the network through nepotism and other means;

5, saying the best, but doing the worst.

The netizens were surprised to find CCTV’s cult characters are

a true portrayal of the CCP.

As early as 2004, the U.S. Chinese media The Epoch Times

published an editorial Nine Commentaries on the Communist

Party that revealed the nature of the Communist Party as a cult

against humanity.

Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party said although the

Communist Party doesn’t call itself a religion, it regarded

Marxism as the absolute truth between heaven and earth as

early as its establishment which makes it fully religious.

Regarding the so-called Marxism as God, it attracts their Party

members to struggle their whole lives for a so-called

communistic paradise. “

The book also analyzed the distinct difference between the

Communist Party and the Orthodox is that the Orthodox believes

in God and good which targets educating people’s morals and

saving the soul; but the Communist Party against traditional

morality does not believe in gods.

Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party: the Communist

Party’s dictatorship of class struggle, violent revolution and

centering on the dictatorship of the proletariat proves it is a cult

which resulted in the so-called communist revolution full of bloody


The red Terror of the Communist regime lasted about a century,

infected half the world, resulting in tens of millions to hundreds of

millions dead."

Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party pointed out that such

communist belief is the biggest cult in the world by creating an

earthly hell.

Zhu Xinxin pointed out that Communism is ideological anti-human,

and anti-civilization.

The CCP has a so-called family law for its internal organization and


Zhu Xinxin:"its family law can arbitrarily restrict personal freedom

by double regulations for those who violate the so-called

organizational discipline.

The CCP Organization itself is completely beyond the law based

on its way of managing its members because there is no democracy

inside, but a tyranny, which fully embodies the cult’s characteristics."

Zhu Xinxin pointed out that Chinese leader Mao Zedong launched

the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping ordered the June 4th

massacre, Jiang Zemin persecuted Falun Gong and the CCP’s

recent crackdown on the folk are the consequence of leader dictatorship.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Anan
