【禁聞】中越爭端加劇 越南爆發反華示威


【新唐人2014年05月12日訊】中越爭端加劇 越南爆發反華示威



杭州警察罷工 支持抗議行動

浙江杭州餘杭區中泰鄉,因村民抵制政府在當地建造亞洲最大的垃圾焚燒廠,5月10號爆發大規模警民流血衝突,3萬村民遭到5000警察暴力鎮壓,據傳多人被打死,上百人受 傷。








據報導,中共龐大的官方工會,儘管擁有2億8000萬成員,但卻 很少介入勞資糾紛,為工人爭取權益。


Sino-Vietnamese Dispute Intensifies;

Vietnam Has Anti-China Demonstration

The construction of an oilrig in the South China Sea triggered

the dispute and tension between China and Vietnam.

There is international concern for

direct conflict arising from the dispute.

An ongoing meeting of Association of Southeast Asian Nations

(ASEAN) also issued a statement expressing serious concern

over the South China Sea dispute.

On May 11, a large-scale anti-Chinese protest broke out in


Around 500 demonstrators protested in front of the Chinese

Communist Party embassy in Hanoi to request withdrawal of

the drilling platform.

Thousands of demonstrators protested in another

Vietnam city, Ho Chi Minh.

Hangzhou Police Support The Protest

On May 10, a large scale bloodshed incident took place in

Yuhang District, Hangzhou city over protests at construction

of the largest Asian incineration plant.

30,000 villagers were suppressed by 5,000 violent police.

There were many deaths and hundreds were injured.

Later, NTD was told that Zhongtai village police didn’t

suppress the people and are supporting the protest.

On May 11, Zhongtai village police confirmed to the NTD

reporter on the phone that they struck on May 10 and didn’t

suppress the people; about the special police, they had no idea.

Police said they are good to the people because

they are living locally as well.

All-China Federation of Trade Unions Accused in Court

On May 11, Deutsche Well reported that a fired female

Wal-Mart employee decided to sue the government to

control the Federation of Trade Unions.

The female worker’s name is Wang Yafang.

Shenzhen Wal-Mart fired her in 2011 due to bad faith.

Wang Yafang sued Shenzhen Wal-Mart for unlawful

dismissal and won the case.

It was reported that the labor Union endorsed Wang Yafang’s

bad faith when she was dismissed, damaging her reputation.

Now Wang Yafang is determined to prosecute All-China

Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) Shenzhen branch

with legal support and was accepted.

It is said the Chinese Communist Party official labor union

rarely intervened in labor disputes for workers’ right although

it has 280 million members.

