【禁聞】中國房價回落 誰是最大受害者?







據大陸《財經網》報導,受信貸收緊和自住型商品住房政策的影響,4月的第一個星期,3月31號到4月6號,北京住宅市場,包括新建商品住宅和二手住宅網簽總量為2587套,同比下調22% 。














採訪編輯/易如 後製/蕭宇

Who Are the Biggest Losers of China’s Real Estate Bubble Blow-out?

China’s housing prices soared last year.

In Q1, 2014, the increase slowed down year-on-year and

period-over-period basis.

Although developers introduced various means of promotion,

the housing market growth continues to show down.

If prices continue to fall this year, will China’s property

market collapse?

What will be the impact on the wealthy?

Who will be the prime victims of falling house prices?

U.S. Wall Street Journal reported,during March’s 2014 that,

China Development Forum,experts indicate that China’s 3rd

and 4th level cities are different from the 1st and 2nd level cities.

Housing price falling does not mean a bubble burst.

China’s real estate market will not crash.

China’s Financial Analyst Ren Zhongdao expressed that

recent promotions of the housing market indicate unpleasant

prospects for the real estate market.

The difference between levels of cities is actually about the

difference in demand for housing.

Ren Zhongdao: “If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

allows the real estate market to collapse, it will collapse;

If the CCP does not want real estate to crash,

it will speed up printing money using the resources

of the whole nation to fill up the gap.

This is the CCP style."

Economists Mr. Zheng: “The situation is very serious.

There are many risks in China’s real estate at the beginning.

Its crash is a complex system collapse."

According to China’s caijin.com,impacted by credit tightening

and owner-occupied commercial housing policy,

in the first week of April, March 31 to April 6, there were 2,587

transactions in the Beijing residential market,

including new and second hand houses, down 22% year on year.

In March, Beijing second-hand housing price was 31,400 yuan

per square meter, down 0.6 percent from February.

There were 8943 transactions the lowest since the same period

in 2009.

Qinghuangdao is referred to as the “Back Garden of Beijing."

Some houses there dropped 40%.With a large backlog of

inventory It might become a ghost town.

In Hangzhou, the price of a single unit fell nearly a million yuan.

With prices continuing to fall, who are the biggest losers of

this bubble blow-out?

Caijing.com English site cited Chinese Household Financial

Investigation by Southwest University of Finance,

“Falling house prices heavily hit the middle-class."

However, China’s financial think tank researcher Gong Shengli

said the proportion of China’s middle class is not high.

Gong Shengli: “The biggest victims are the poor, about

500 million people who earn $1 dollar per day per capita

and those who barely make ends meet.

The middle class is about 300 million people. “

Mr. Zheng also thinks that the so-called middle class is limited.

The vast majority of the middle class is at the bottom of society,

and they buy houses for their own living.

Ren Zhongdao: Middle-class who can spend one million yuan

cash to buy houses are hit by the house market.

They are a separate group of China’s economic system.

Ren Zhongdao: “For sure the victims are the people.

Some houses lost 50,000 yuan market value in one night.

There is news like that."

What will be the impact of falling house price on the rich?

Ren Zhongdao: “The impact on these people is not too much.

Many of the wealthy have emigrated and transferred their assets.

This CCP high-level group has sources of information

and react much faster than the general pubic."

In January 2014, Hurun Research Institute published a survey

indicating that the emigration ratio of rich Chinese people rises

to 64%,

with 1/3 billionaires emigrating out of China.

In January Wall Street Journal cited data from the

Center for China And Globalization (CCG),

in the past 23 years China’s emigration increased 128%.

As of 2011, more than 2,800 billion yuan worth of assets

have been transferred overseas, about 3% of China’s GDP of 2011.

Chinese have become the second largest foreign real estate

buyers in the U.S.

Interview & Edit/Yi Ru Post-Production/Xiao Yu
