【禁聞】茂名表面平靜 當局大批抓捕示威者


【新唐人2014年04月08日訊】茂名表面平靜 當局大批抓捕示威者



4月5號在廣州舉牌聲援茂名而被抓的10多人,目前仍有6人沒有釋放。不過,網民在美國白宮請願網站「We The People」上,發佈的「救救茂名人」的請願貼,簽名人數增長很快,目前已經達到1200人。

四律師建三江遭酷刑 受傷嚴重





中國新疆維吾爾人與中共當局的矛盾越來越尖銳,4月7號,新疆當局再次表示要嚴懲所謂的暴力恐怖份子。而前「六四」天安門學生運動領袖吾爾開希,在接受 《法新社》採訪時則表示,是北京在新疆的「恐怖主義殖民化」,使維吾爾人徹底絕望,而由於絕望,維吾爾人的對抗升級。





Large Numbers of Demonstrators Arrested in Maoming

It has been more than a week for the massive anti-PX

public protest in Guangdong Maoming City.

On April 7, officials still dispatched military police to patrol

the city and arrested a large number of people participating

in the protest although the peace was restored in the city.

The original planned Saturday march in Guangzhou didn’t

happen because several netizens and the organizers were

arrested and monitored. The weather was bad too.

It seems there are not many people to protest in Maoming.

From the ten arrested who were holding banners in support

on April 5, six people were till detained.

However, the number of signatures under the petition post

“Save Maoming" on the United States White House petition

website “We The People” quickly reached 1,200.

Four Lawyers Tortured Severely and Injured In Jiansanjiang.

The four framed and detained human right lawyers have

accused Jiansanjiang police of beating and torture when

they went to investigate the black jail.

Lawyer Zhang Junjie who was released on March 27 had

three ribs fractured in a hospital examination on March 28.

Jiang Tianyong, Tang Jitian, Wang Cheng released on April 6,

were found seriously injured.

According to the hospital report, Tang Jitian had multiple rib

fractures and Wang Cheng has contusions but no fracture.

Jiang Tianyong who was still controlled by the state security

after his release went to the hospital on March 7.

The Beijing human rights activist said Jiang Tianyong has

visible injuries, abdominal lumps, and chest pain during

talking, coughing or big movements.

It is said Jiang Tianyong had the most serious

beating out of the four.

Hopelessness Makes Uyghurs Take the Death Path.

The conflict between China’s Xinjiang Uyghurs and the

Chinese authorities is growing more vitriolic.

On April 7, Xinjiang authorities once again pledged to punish

the so-called terrorists.

The former student leader of June 4 Tiananmen movement

Wu’erkaixi, told AFP that Beijing’s terrorism in Xinjiang

drove Uyghurs to despair and escalated the confrontation.

Wu’erkaixi believes Yunnan Kunming Railway Station terrorist

attack and Beijing Tiananmen Square collision incident is a

suicide attack from the Uyghurs in utter hopelessness.

Wu’erkaixi said: “Do Uyghurs have any choice but to be

terrorists? Who made the terror and pushed them this far?

The Chinese authorities should be responsible for all of it."

He warned that these attacks may be just the beginning.

Edit/Zhou Yulin
