



加拿大政府羅裡女士(Anne-Tamara Lorre)表示,加拿大仍然關注在中國的法輪功學員和受迫害的其他宗教信徒。關於在(被害人)非自願、不知情的情況下強摘人體器官的報告令人不安。













採訪編輯/唐音 後製/鍾元

UN Human Rights Council: Canadian Government Representative Raises Organ Harvesting

At a recent United Nations Human Rights Council meeting,

a Canadian government representative raised the issue of

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s organ harvesting.

This marks the first time that this issue has

been raised publicly during a UN meeting.

Falun Gong spokesman Zhang Erping suggested

that “the paper cannot cover the fire", meaning

that all wrondoings are eventually revealed.

The international community will focus

more and more attention on this matter.

Please see the following report.

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

held its twenty-fifth session on the morning of March 12.

During the session, it held a special rapporteur

on the topic of religion and freedom of belief.

Representatives from 62 countries

and organizations gave speeches.

Anne-Tamara Lorre, a representative

from the Canadian Government spoke.

She said that Canada remains concerned about

Falun Gong practitioners in China and other

religious communities who are persecuted.

The report about (victims’) organs being involuntarily,

unknowingly, and forcibly taken has made people uneasy.

Zhang Erping, Falun Gong spokesman: “This obviously

shows that the international community has become

more and more concerned about this issue.

The Canadian government was the first to mention

publicly to have attention on this issue at a UN meeting.

The paper cannot cover the fire.

The international community, the medical profession

and the legal profession are taking this issue seriously.

No matter how the CCP tries to

cover it up, it cannot be covered.

The CCP continues to commit these atrocities."

On March 5, the Italian Senate Human Rights

Commission unanimously adopted a resolution.

It called for the Italian government to urge

the CCP to immediately release all prisoners of

conscience, including Falun Gong practitioners.

It also called for a full investigation into

the CCP’s crimes of live organ harvesting.

On February 26, at a House of Representatives

General Assembly in Illinois this year, the

resolution HR0730 was adopted unanimously.

It called for the CCP to ‘immediately stop

the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners’.

The resolution strongly urges the U.S. government to

investigate organ transplantation in China, to stop the

organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.

It also calls for the U.S. government to ban any

doctors involved in illegal organ harvesting practices.

Zhang Erping: “David Kilgour, former Canadian

Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, began

investigating the CCP’s persecution of

Falun Gong with Canadian Lawyer David Matas.

They particularly focused on the

allegations of organ harvesting.

They have traveled to various countries around the world,

speaking with many governments and medical professionals.

They have gathered a large body of evidence that indicates

the CCP has undertaken large scale live organ harvesting.

The victims are Falun Gong practitioners

and other prisoners of conscience."

He Lizhi, was a senior engineer in China, and

worked in the Chinese Ministry of Construction.

He had been recognized with over a

dozen national and ministerial awards.

He Lizhi now resides in Canada.

He was illegaly sentenced by the CCP for writing a letter

explaining the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong.

From February 2001 until January 2004, He Lizhi

was imprisoned in Tianjin Chadian Qianwei Prison.

He Lizhi: “After we entered the prison, we, as

Falun Gong practitioners, were taken to the prison hospital.

This was called Qinghe Hospital,

and they inspected our whole body.

I remember they checked our heart

and blood pressure very carefully.

They also took a lot of blood from me.

I asked them why they took so much blood, and they

said that they care about us, that many things are checked."

David Kilgour and David Matas’s investigation details

that between 2000 and 2005, there were 41,500

organ transplants in China from unknown sources.

Their evidence suggests that these organs

are from living Falun Gong practitioners.

The CCP regime has always denied forced organ harvesting.

Huang Jiefu, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of

Health, recently confirmed an important piece of evidence.

‘Donated organs’ from executed prisoners

are all transmitted between doctors and other

parties, including courts and armed police.

He Lizhi recalled that during his imprisonment,

the police tortured him with electric batons.

This was in order to force him to

give up his belief in Falun Gong.

He was also forced to spend many

hours in the cold during the winter.

After several weeks, he started coughing

up blood, and passing blood in his urine.

He became too weak to move.

The police had to send him to Qinghe

Hospital, where he stayed for 50 days.

Later, the police forced him to take medicine,

which caused very severe diarrhea.

He Lizhi asked to stop taking the medicine.

The police first rejected the request, but

after further requests, that asked the doctor.

He Lizhi: “He came back and told me that it was so strange.

I had stayed in the hospital for 50 days, but there were

no records of my medical treatment in the hospital at all.

From this, it started to become apparent that

Falun Gong practitioners’ ‘medical treatment files’

were not controlled by the prison, nor the hospital."

In 1999, former CCP leader Jiang Zemin launched

the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Jiang established a strategy to ‘ruin their reputation,

ruin them financially, and destroy them physically’.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Zhong Yuan
