【禁聞】越戰真相被掩蓋 昔日老兵成乞丐















採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

Former Vietnam Veterans Become Beggars

The Vietnam War ended 35 years ago.

The Vietnam soldiers who shed blood during this war

have been completely forgotten by China.

The surviving veterans had to take to the streets to beg

for life though the land they defended with their lives

has already been ceded to the enemy.

In addition, historical critics note the real reason the CCP

launched the Vietnam War hurts these Vietnam vets more.

According to the Human Rights Defender website, Feb.

17 is the 35th anniversary of the Vietnam War.

Six Vietnam veteran representatives from Qingdao, Shandong,

including Liu Dejun, Sun Xingan and others go to

Qianmen Street, Wangfujing Street and other places to beg.

They use this way to commemorate the Vietnam War

because they have no other way.

Liu Dejun: “Our situation now is not optimistic.

There is a bumpy road ahead for us to protect our rights.

The local government arranged gangs and police to stop us.

Today we went to Beijing and beg together commemorate

the 35th anniversary of the Vietnam War.

However, the CCP does not allow us to do so."

The Vietnam veterans have been lodging complaints

about their unfair treatment and other issues

with the government for many years.

Their life has not improved, and even worse, many veteran

activists were held hostage, beaten and illegally detained

by the authorities.

The Vietnam veterans accuse the CCP authorities

of abandoning them after they were finished with them.

Liu Dejun: “We killed enemies for our country with blood

and sweat when we were 17 or 18 years old.

Now we beg to make a living.

Some of us were laid-off, others may have lost their land.

The land was forcibly sold via auction in the name

of national collection.

We could not receive any compensation."

The CCP official media deliberately avoids the truth

of the Vietnam War.

Therefore, few people in China understand the history

of that period.

The CCP authorities call the Vietnam War

a “self-defense counter attack", however, both domestic

and foreign scholars have argued that the Vietnam War

was truly a “war of aggression" launched by the CCP.

Many Chinese youth were brought into the war

as cannon fodder.

The CCP is quite worried that the real reason the Vietnam

War was launch will be exposed to the public.

According to records, on Feb. 17, 1979, the CCP

assembled 300,000 troops in Yunnan and Guangxi.

After launching a carpet shelling, the CCP started an attack

on North Vietnam and quickly occupied many border towns.

On March 7, with the condemnation of the world, the CCP

announced their retreat and went back to the original border

on March 16.

It is believed that the root cause of the Vietnam War

is the legitimacy of the CCP ruling.

Zhong Weiguang, a totalitarian society researcher in Germany:

“First, many complex social conflicts existed in China

during the latter part of the Cultural Revolution.

Many people believed measures and practices of the CCP

to be offensive and obnoxious at that time.

The Vietnam War could shift people’s attention away

to the outside."

The Vietnam War took place shortly after a large-scale attack

on Cambodia by Vietnam.

Therefore, a second theory is that the CCP attempted

to rescue Cambodia by pressuring Vietnam.

The Khmer Rouge regime was single-handedly

propped up by the CCP.

A third argument is that that the CCP aided Vietnam

with more than 20 billion dollars during the war between

the United States and Vietnam.

The CCP also provided them with a large amount

of materials during the 13 years.

However, Vietnam did not follow the control of the CCP

after the war.

Thus, the CCP could not tolerate this disobedient “brother".

Similar to the CCP, the Vietnamese government also treated

the Vietnam War as a closely guarded secret.

Even though it has been 35 years since the Vietnam war,

the official attitude is still the same.

Evidence shows that the Vietnamese government deliberately

obstructed the anti-Vietnam Memorial Parade

on Feb. 17 this year.

Zhong Weiguang pointed out that both China and Vietnam

coincidentally maintain a low profile when it comes

to the Vietnam War.

Both these governments are ruled by the CCP.

The blood of the CPC and CPV is from one source

and they act in collusion.

The attack on each other is equivalent of criticizing

the communist regime and denying the legitimacy of its existence.

Therefore, they keep a low profile with regards

to the Vietnam War.

The soldiers who died in the Vietnam War became

the most innocent victims.

Interview & Edit/ZhangTianyu Post-Production/LiYong
