【禁聞】索契冬奧會開幕 中共為何力挺俄羅斯


【新唐人2014年02月07日訊】第二十二屆冬季奧林匹克運動會(XXII Olympic Winter Games)將在2月7號在俄羅斯的索契舉行。中共國家主席習近平5號已經啟程飛往俄羅斯,他將出席冬奧會的開幕式。為甚麼中共在政治、軍事和意識形態方面力挺俄羅斯?讓我們一起看看專家們的分析。














採訪編輯/唐音 後製/鐘元

Xi Jinping Attends the Opening Ceremony of the Winter

Olympics in Russia

The twenty-second Winter Olympics (XXII Olympic Winter

Games) will be held in Sochi, Russia, on February 7.

On February 5, Chinese President Xi Jinping left for Russia

to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

Why does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) support

Russia politically, militarily and ideologicaly?

Let’s take a look at the experts’ analysis.

Xi Jinping’s attending the opening ceremony of the Winter

Olympic Games is the first time that a Chinese leader attends

major sport event.

Recently, official media high-profile praised it as Olympic

diplomacy, sports diplomacy, attention on Russia and

compared it with 70’s ping-pong diplomacy which influenced

diplomatic relation between China and the US.

Taiwan Chengchi University School Institute of international

affairs Professor Ding Shufan believes that China has a need

for it as a military strategy.

Professor Ding Shufan said: “There must be a collaboration

purpose such as the closer cooperation in the military or

security to counterbalance the United States.

Because China is facing the Diaoyu Island problem, it might

be better to get support from Russia against the alliance system

of the United States and Japan.

This is a very important reason for China."

Since 2012, the Wang Bo incident caused an intense faction

struggle within the party; the Jiang faction stirred up trouble

abroad to divert attention, creating tense relations in the

Northeast and Southeast Asia.

Xi Jinping visited Russia first after he came to power.

It was widely interpreted that the CCP tried to associate

with Russia to stand against Europe and America.

Global Information Freedom movement website founder

Zhang Xinyu analyzed,that the CCP’s ideology is threatened

by other countries; Xi is looking for friends in Russia.

Zhang Xinyu said: “Russia suppressed Chechnya, so it has no

problem with the CCP’s repression in Tibet and Xinjiang.

It’s actually against humanity in the western world.

Now, he taks opportunity to go flattering since the Olympics

will be held in Russia."

Since Russia organized the Winter Olympics, the international

media didn’t commend the new Russia and its leader Vladimir

Putin’s achievements.

However they did report a large number of scandals in Russia,

such as: abuse of power, human rights violations, environmental

issues, corruption, media censorship and ethnic issues.

Since the Winter Olympics opening ceremony is approaching,

the Russian authorities intensively suppressed activists.

Russia was subordinate to the former Soviet Union, and the

former Soviet Union was the largest communist totalitarian

country in the world before the breakup.

Russia was independent on June 12, 1991 The 61-year-old

incumbent Russian President Vladimir Putin was working at

the former Soviet Union Committee for State Security for a

long time. Working within the KGB system.

After Putin was selected by the first Russian Federation

President Boris Yeltsin as successor, he and his Prime

Minister Dmitry Medvedev repeatedly swapped political roles.

This was strongly criticized by the Western media.

The Chinese joked that they play a “two-person show" in the

political arena,

China Foreign Affairs University former professor Hu Shigen:

“They saw the Soviet Union as a big brother from childhood,

so Putin had a good role model to learn from.

Putin played the two-person show and some tricks under

democratic rules.

Russia is a semi-democracy, an immature democracy."

Zhang Xinyu said that the CCP believes in the philosophy of

struggle that is incongruous in the universal values; so they

must choose Russia that has something in common as friend

rather than the free world.

Zhang Xinyu: “The main reason is that the CCP is a malignant

tumor, a monster.

It can’t understand such normal human values

in Western Society.

There is only armed struggle and Hegemony. It believes the

world is a zoo because it is an animal.

So it is now looking for Russia."

The 2014 Winter Olympics will end on February 23. Xi

Jinping will finish his visiting on the 8th end and back to China.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/ZhongYuan
