【禁聞】最新國家機密法 恐限制民眾知情權



















採訪/常春 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Latest Catch-All, State Secrets Laws – It’s All Over!!!

The long criticized state secrets exist everywhere in China.

Many Chinese have been jailed for divulging state secrets.

Recently, China has issued new rules telling officials not to

cover up what should be publicly available information using

the excuse it is a state secret.

However, they do not specify what’s public and what’s not.

In other words, the scope of the confidentiality is up to the

situation. How long is a piece of string?

The latest state secrets laws were signed by Communist Premier

Li Keqiang and issued by the State Council, effective March 1.

The regulation said, Organs and units have been told not to

label items that should be made public as state secrets,

and they should not publicize those related to state secrets.

However, the regulations remain vague as for what information

is public and what is considered secret.

Reuters reported, “China has notoriously vague state secret laws,

covering everything from the number of people executed every

year to industry databases and even pollution figures,

and information can be retroactively labeled a state secret."

In fact, the Marxists authorities have abused so-called

state secrets to illegally arrest and detain Chinese,

such as Shanghai lawyer Zheng Enchong.

Representative for the forced demolition dispute, Zheng Enchong

had complained to high officials about corrupt cases involving

both officials and businessmen in Shanghai,

such as Zhou Zhengyi, Huang Ju, Chen Liangyu, and Han Zheng.

The evidence he had collected turned out to be the stick

used to convict him of the crime of divulging state secrets.

Zheng Enchong was sentenced to three years in prison

in Oct. 2003.

Zheng Enchong, Shanghai lawyer: “There are state secrets

everywhere in China.

Any government scandals are state secrets.

I don’t think the new rules would help,

but rather a protection of the corrupt system."

Zheng Enchong says that under the new regulations,

local governments and units will further censor what they

believe inappropriate to disclose as state secrets.

The public will further be excluded from state affairs,

social activities, and anti-corruption campaigns.

The corruption will only get more serious.

Zheng Enchong also says that the regime’s Constitution

provides the rights to know, to assemble, and to express.

However, free expression is built upon minimal state secrets.

He believes that with the widening of state secrets,

the new rules only protect the corruption of the system.

Zheng Enchong: “Before the implementation of the State

Council’s regulations,

it will go through people’s congresses of provinces and cities

and local governments.

After it’s gone through the cycle, minimal improvements

are made."

The state secret laws regulate, the State Administrative

Department takes charge of national secrecy.

Under the guidance of the higher level administrative department,

local administrative department takes charge of the local secrecy.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: “Even with detailed rules, there will

be operational space during the law enforcement, i.e.,

measures against the rules.

That’s what the local governments are good at, and why it’s

hard to control the local governments.

There are civil rights provisions in the Constitution, however,

they’ve never been implemented.

I believe many citizens will continue to be abused by the

authorities on the excuse of divulging state secrets.

There will be no fundamental improvement."

Beijing activist Hu Jia was arrested on the eve of the Olympics

for forwarding an online document of the Public Security Bureau.

Hu Jia: “I was arrested in 2008, accused of inciting subversion

of state power.

I was deprived of meeting with my attorney for months.

Their excuses were that my case involved state secrets."

Journalist Shi Tao was released last September.

He received 10 years jail time for releasing a document of

the Communist Party to an overseas Chinese democracy site.

The regime charged him based on the email record confirmed

by Yahoo!China.

Imprisoned on the same charges are also Jiang Weiping,

former Hong Kong journalist in Dalian,

and Xu Zerong, a Hong Kong scholar.

The latest state secrets laws also warn officials not to

disclose state secrets.

Those who divulge too much information to the public will be

punished according to law.

Exactly what information is state secret?

The consensus is probably hard to reach,

be it for the general public or the officials.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/HuangYimei Post-Production/GuoJing
