【禁聞】「南周事件」週年 警察報社門前抓人


【新唐人2014年01月06日訊】 「南周事件」週年 警察報社門前抓人






據海外《明慧網》統計,2013年確認並由《明慧網》報導的被中共迫害致死的法輪功學員,達76人,其中包括在2012 年被迫害致死,當時未及時報導的12人,以及往年已被迫害致死後來才被確認傳出消息的9人。









Further arrests OneYear after the Southern Weekly Incident

January 7 marks the first anniversary of

the Southern Weekly Incident.

On December 5, police and plainclothes police patrolled

in front of Nanfang Media Group building, arresting activists

who “walked” at the scene.

A netizen, Citizen Biao, stated on Twitter that police arrested

more than 10 people up to midnight of January 6.

They were kept in criminal detention or held in the police

station. Activist Wang Aizhong is missing.

In January 2013, Southern Weekly’s New Year message,

“China Dream, Constitutional Dream" was tampered

with by Guangdong propaganda minister Tuo Zhen.

An article calling for political reform was turned into a

praising the CCP hymn.

Resistance arose and consequently, nearly 1,000 people

gathered in front of Nanfang Media Group building paying

tribute and supporting the newspaper staff on January 7.

The 2013 Persecution: 76 Falun Gong Practitioners Have Died

The Chinese Communist Pary (CCP) suppression of Falun

Gong has gone through more than 14 years.

Every year, large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have

been persecuted to death.

According to data of Minghui.org, there have been 76 Falun

Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death in the

persecution campaign.

Their deaths have been identified and confirmed in 2013,

including 12 deaths from 2012 not formerly reported and

9 deaths from previous years only confirmed in 2013.

Among the 76 victims, eight of them were tortured to death

by police to extract confessions in detention centers.

10 were killed by violent transformation at the brainwashing

centers and labor camps.

29 were tortured to death by prison guards, and 29 were killed

by repeatedly kidnapping by the regime.

In those who were persecuted to death, one third of them

were young adults.

The report says that many more cases are hidden and not

included in the data because the CCP blockage of the news.

Remuneration Exposes of Vice-ministerial Central Enterprise

Senior Management

The amazingly high salaries in the Communist regime central

enterprises and state owned enterprises (SOE) were recently

exposed by overseas media.

Hong Kong based Trend Magazine exposed the senior

management 2011 and 2012 salaries at the central and SOE,

in its January issue tables. The skyrocketing number is startling.

It showed the senior management remuneration includes

subsidies, benefits and bonuses.

In 2011 The vice-ministerial level executives were paid

between $470,000 and $6.69 million.

In 2012 they rose to between $517,800 and $7.6 million.

Departmental executives were paid in 2011 between

$361,000 and $3.0 million which rose in 2012 to between

$756,600 and $5.1 million.

Even the managerial levels were paid between $393,000

and $1.8 million in 2012.

The report said that SOE executives receiving more than $4.9

million of allowances, benefits, and bonuses were as many as

1,375 in 2011, and 1,877 in 2012.

