【禁聞】15年思救父 中國女孩美國會泣不成聲


















當天參加聽證會的美國議員都深受感動。克里斯‧史密斯(Chris Smith)議員說,作為一位父親,他為有王曉丹這樣的女兒感到驕傲。



國會議員匹騰格(Robert Pittenger)也讚揚王曉丹等5位女孩的勇氣。



採訪編輯/王凱迪 後製/葛雷

Wang Xiaodan: Do Not Let This Tragedy Happen Again

Wang Xiaodan has testified in a House

Committee on Foreign Affairs hearing.

Wang’s speech was entitled: “Let Our Fathers Go!"

She said that during the past 15 years, her father has

been deprived of the most fundamental rights of life.

He has suffered all kinds of torture in prison.

As his daughter, her heart was tormented all the time.

All of this happened for just one reason,

in that her father practices Falun Gong.

Wang Xiaodan urged the Chinese authorities

to immediately release her imprisoned father.

She hoped the pain she has been suffering

will not ever happen again to anyone else.

The holiday season is always bittersweet for Wang Xiaodan.

At a time when everyone is busy preparing and looking

forward to family gatherings, Wang is missing her father.

He has been illegally imprisoned for the past 15 years.

Wang Xiaodan: “The holiday season is coming up again.

Here in the United States, many families are getting

ready to gather for Christmas and New Year’s.

In China, we would be starting to

look forward to Chinese New Year.

But this time of year is always bittersweet for me."

33 -year-old Wang Xiaodan left her only

father at age of 18, to come to the U.S.

Her father was illegally jailed, which left the

19 year-old Wang Xiaodan in misery ever since.

At the hearing, Wang Xiaodan recalled

the hardship of growing up without a father.

She broke down several times during

recounting her painful memories.

Wang Xiaodan: “A lot happens in 15 years. Being away

from Dad, and growing up without him, has been so hard.

At my wedding, we placed a single rose

on his chair to symbolize his presence.

I continue to keep that rose safe and

present, until the day we meet again.

I can hand the rose to him, and tell him the

story of how he has always been with me."

Wang Xiaodan called on the U.S. government

to help her father regain his freedom so that

the same tragedy will not repeat to others.

Wang Xiaodan: “All the daughters here

they are so much younger than me.

I really hope they don’t go through

what I have been through for 15 years."

Wang Xiaodan’s father, Wang Zhiwen, was an engineer at

the P.R.C. Ministry of Railways.

He began practicing Falun Gong in 1992.

Over the next five years, he became a volunteer contact person

for Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing, teaching the exercises

based on the principles of truth, compassion, and tolerance.

Wang Xiaodan: “During the early morning of July 20,

1999, and according to eyewitness accounts from our

neighbors, my father was seized from his bed by police.

He was taken away in waiting police vans."

Wang Xiaodan said that all the evidence showed that

her father has been treated with all kinds of tortures.

Wang Xiaodan: “He was subject to physical abuse.

The torture includes: his teeth were all pulled out,

his collarbone was all smashed, they use bamboo

sticks to pierce all his fingers, he suffered numerous

beatings, and sleep deprivation for seven days…"

At the hearing, Wang Xiaodan showed a piece

of branch her father had polished in the jail.

She obtained the stick about two months ago,

from a relative who visited her dad in the prison.

Wang Xiaodan: “For 15 years,

that’s the only thing I got from him.

It was a polished wooden stick that he

polished with his hands in jail. It’s really smooth.

But that’s the only thing so far that I have ever got from him."

For the sake of her father, for those who have suffered the

same persecution for practicing Falun Gong in China, and

all Chinese daughters who should not need to suffer losing

their fathers, Wang Xiaodan chose to rescue her father.

Wang Xiaodan: “I hope the decision

I made will make him proud.

Though I am only one person, with limited abilities, time,

and resources, I have always felt obligated to dedicate 100%

of my effort to raising awareness of my father’s unlawful

arrest and detention for no more than his spiritual beliefs."

All Congressmen at the hearing

were very touched by the testimony.

Chairman Chris Smith said that as a father, he

believed that their fathers will be extraordinarily

proud of them being here at the hearing.

Rep. Christopher H. Smith, Chairman: “For your

tenacious defense of them for so many years,

what love, what compassion, what empathy."

Congressman Chris Smith has been a

long-term advocate for human rights in China.

He urged Beijing to listen to this sincere appeal,

to release these prisoners of conscience, and

allow them to be reunited with their loved ones

Congressman Robert Pittenger also praised

all five girls for their courage and testimony.

Pitternger: “Your work will not be in vain.

You play a very important role. As you continue to live and

speak, you will have a major impact upon the whole world."

The congressmen have all expressed their commitment to

help to rescue their fathers and to reunite with their fathers.
