








時事評論員 夏小強:「因為去年在習近平訪美時,是拜登向習近平透露了王立軍交給美國的資料,習近平是從拜登那裏得知,周永康和薄熙來政變謀反、以及暗殺他的信息。」




時事評論員 林子旭:「但是,習近平又不得不出手,因為中共內部的權鬥從來都是你死我活的,如果習近平給周永康留下太多喘息空間,自己的處境就會越來越糟糕,周永康,包括他身後的曾慶紅、江澤民,為了保命可是甚麼事情都能幹得出來的。」




採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

Taking Down the Tigers, Zhou Yongkang Under Investigation

In recent days, Beijing released news via unofficial channels

to overseas media about the Chinese Communist Party’s

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)

arresting Zhou Yongkang on graft charges.

Zhou is an ex-member of Standing Committee of the CCP’s

Political Bureau and the ex-Head of the Political and Legal

Affairs Committee (PLAC).

At present, the news has not been yet confirmed by the CCP.

One of our reporters interviewed current affairs commentators

on the issue.

Let’s see what they think about it.

Dec. 4th, BBC’s Chinese language website cited sources

who say that CCDI head Wang Qishan reported

the investigation progress on Zhou Yongkang to the Politburo

Standing Committee at their Dec. 3rd meeting.

The CCDI decided to make a formal case investigation

and monitor Zhou more strictly than before.

At present, CCP authorities have not

yet released news on Zhou’s investigation.

Xing Tianxing, current affairs commentator: “Though the CCP

didn’t definitively report the news on their own media,

but the fact should not be wrong.

It’s likely that the CCP intentionally used other media

to release news of Zhou’s arrest."

BBC cites the report from Reuters and says Zhou Bin,

Zhou Yongkang’s son, has returned China but his movements

are restricted and he’s being questioned by the CCDI.

Reuters interviewed three anonymous sources who all say

that Zhou Bin is now under house arrest in a Beijing suburb

so as to have him assist in investigating the

corruption case of Jiang Jiemin, former top regulator for

China’s state-owned enterprises and ex-chairman of

the China National Petroleum Corporation.

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator: “Zhou Yongkang’s son

Zhou Bin was directly taken up for questioning,

which indicates a signal for taking action on Zhou.

Although official news of Zhou Yongkang’s arrest has not yet

been confirmed, based on the current situation,

there isn’t much uncertainty about it.

Zhou Yongkang’s arrest is inevitable from any viewpoint."

Still, US-based Epoch Times news website says high levels of

the CCP intentionally released the news of Zhou Yongkang’s

arrest at this time when U.S. Vice President Joe Biden

is visiting Beijing.

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affair commentator: “When Xi Jinping

visited the U.S. last year, it was Biden who disclosed

what information Wang Lijun submitted to the U.S.

Xi learned from Biden that Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai

planned to undertake a coup and assassinate Xi."

Epoch Times says the news of Zhou Yongkang’s arrest

is a warning from leader Xi Jinping to all CCP officials.

But there is currently no consensus as to when and how

the news of Zhou Yongkang’s arrest was released.

Xing Tianxing: “Because Zhou Yongkang is involved in

a very large issue which has to do with the key figures of the

CCP politburo.

Bo Xilai directly participated the coup,

including trying to kill Xi Jinping.

However, Bo’s supporting force is from Zhou Yongkang.

In addition, of all issues Zhou Yongkang has been involved in,

his crimes are more serious than Bo Xilai’s,

including organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners."

arresting Zhou Yongkang will involve ex-Vice President

Zeng Qinghong, and ex-President Jiang Zemin,

and numerous officials in the entire Public Security,

Procuratorial, Legal and Justice systems from the top down.

If there is any carelessness, the CCP regime might collapse;

if Xi Jinping cannot control the situation well,

it’s possible Zhou Yongkang and those implicated

could overturn the situation.

Lin Zixu: “However, Xi Jinping has to take action,

because the CCP’s internal power clash

is always a cutthroat battle.

If Xi Jinping leaves Zhou too much free space, then his situation

will become worse, whereas Zhou Yongkang and his supporters

Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Zemin may be willing to do

anything in order to survive."

Under such a circumstance, after Xi Jinping consolidates

his power, he chooses a ‘boiling frog’ strategy, which allows

him to slowly erode Zhou’s force and eventually arrest him.

In the public opinion, there’s been a phase of media hype,

which allows everyone to be mentally prepared for

Zhou’s final end."

After Zhou handed over all his power around

the 18th Conference of the CCP Central Committee,

he seems to “fully retire" without any reserved power.

The Epoch Times says that all of Zhou’s public appearances

after the conference are all arranged so as to balance

the situation and fulfill the need to maintain authority.

After the 18th Conference, the henchmen and trusted followers

of Zhou Yongkang fell in sequence, including Li Chuncheng,

Wu Yongwen, Guo Yongxiang, Jiang Jiemin and Li Hualin

in Sichuan Province, the State-Owned Petroleum system and

the PLAC.

Sichuan businessman Wu Bing, who was the money bag

and butler of Zhou’s family, was also arrested.

Such a series of actions taken by Xi are understood as

“knocking the mountain to terrify the tiger" and

the final goal is to punish Zhou Yongkang.

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/LiYong
