【禁聞】生育政策「放寬」 強制墮胎仍繼續






中國婦權創始人 張菁:「中國30幾年的計劃生育政策本身一直備受爭議的主要是它的人權問題。它嚴重的踐踏了人權和婦女的權益,以及孩子的權益。實際上就是一個殺人的政策。」



中國青年政治學院教師 楊支柱:「它把這個計劃生育許可制度和強制的措施沒有任何的觸動,只是在這個指標上面稍微放寬了一點。所以這意味著計劃生育侵犯人權的事,會減少一點,但是仍然會大量存在。」







但根據聯合國(United Nations)的預測,從2010年到2030年,中國的勞動適齡人口將減少6,700萬。而人口專家估計,這次調整只能使未來3年出生的嬰兒數量,增加100萬到200萬,相比之下遠遠不成比例。因此外界預測,這種調整並不能解決中國社會的人口老齡化和勞動力短缺問題。

採訪/朱智善 編輯/李謙 後製/李智遠

China One Child Policy Eases Amidst Continuing Coercion Measures

Chinese authorities agree to relax the controversial

and mandatory one-child policy, which will allow

more Chinese couples to have a second child.

The decision is believed to be a responding to

an aging population, and labor demand in China.

However, it does not address the fundamental

violation of the rights of women and children,

such as forced abortion and forced sterilization.

On November 15, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

announced further decisions of the Third Plenary Session.

It has agreed to address the mandatory one-child

policy that has remained in place for the past 30 years.

It stated that couples will be able to have

two children if one spouse is an only child.

In the past three decades, ethnic minorities and

some rural women were considered exempt.

Couples who were both only children

are also allowed to have two children.

Women’s Rights in China founder Zhang Jing indicates

this policy adjustment seems on the surface to be progress.

However, it does not touch on the fundamental issues

of human rights violations, such as the forced abortion.

Zhang Jing: “China’s family planning policy

has been controversial for more than three

decades, because of human rights issues.

It is a serious violation of human rights, women’s

rights, and children’s rights. It is a policy of murder.”

A report by Chinese Voice of America quoted

the views of Congressman Chris Smith.

Congressman Chris Smith is Chairman of the House

for the Human Rights Subcommittee and also co-chair

of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.

He emphasized that, left unchanged, this policy is the

Chinese regimes strangle-hold on deciding who can

have children, and how many children a family can have.

He said that until the Chinese regime abolishes

all coercion in their population control program,

all the use of forced abortion and its program will

still continue as the most draconian in the world.

Since the one-child policy was implemented in China in

1980, it has brought numerous violations of human rights.

This includes forced abortion and sterilization. The

Third Plenary work report did not address these issues.

Yang Zhizhu, political science professor, China

Youth University: “It does not touch on the issues

of birth permits, nor it’s enforcement measures.

With a little revision on the exempt category, it only

releases the human rights violations of certain people.

Oerall, these violations still exists in a large scale.”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported a quoted from a

demographer, that “the entire policy should abolished.”

Zhang Jing: “Giving birth is an innate

and God given right, not the CCP’s right.

It has nothing to do with the CCP. We are entitled to it.

The CCP has controlled human right for so many years.”

Zhang Jing explains that over population is never the issue

in China. The issue is uneven distribution of the population.

Zhang Jing analyses, there are many barren

and uninhabited places in western China.

The majority of the population is

located in the eastern coastal regions.

However, the density is not as high as Japan or Hong Kong.

The problem is the policy, and not one of over-population.

Zhang Jing: “The bad policy had resulted

in an imbalance in land development.

Of course, the population will shift from one side to the other.”

Foreign media analyzed that rather than out of respect

for fundamental human rights, the ease of the one-child

policy is simply to sustain economic development.

It aims to tackle on the aging population and labor shortages.

According to United Nations projections, China’s labor force

is expected to lose 67 million workers from 2010 to 2030.

WSJ reported that population experts estimate children

are expected to be born as a result of the policy shift.

This will add 1 million to 2 million births over the next

three years, but this is too late to solve the problem

of an aging population and shortages in labor.
