【禁聞】再提死刑犯器官 三中全會內鬥需要?









今年9月底,在瑞士日內瓦召開的「第24屆聯合國人權理事會」上,應邀作專題發言的西班牙人權律師卡洛斯•伊格萊西亞斯(Carlos Iglésias),直接指控中共前黨魁江澤民,設計和組織了一整套滅絕成千上萬法輪功修煉者的戰略。




美國法輪功學員王春英: 「政委王乃民對信淑華說,像你這樣的就應該送到蘇家屯,你不做好人嗎,做好人就把心臟獻出來。信淑華說,我獻出心臟怎麼修煉,不能獻,王乃民說獻不獻,可由不得你,就給蘇家屯醫院打電話。」




聯合國「酷刑問題」特派專員曼弗瑞德•諾瓦克(Manfred Nowak),在2009年8月接受一家美國媒體採訪時指出,中共說器官移植來源主要是死刑犯,無法令人信服,除非死刑犯的人數比報告的高得多。

採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

Chinese Regime Discusses Organ Transplants

from Executed Prisoners: Indications of Internal Conflict

The international community has repeatedly raised

evidence-based accusations of live organ harvesting

of Falun Gong practitioners and executed prisoners

at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

High level CCP officials indicate that organ transplants

from executed prisoners will be banned by next year.

Commentators believe that before the impending

Third Plenary Session, the issue of organ transplants

involving executed prisoners has been raised again.

This is thought to show that the current leadership are using

this to warn factional opponents not to take political actions.

China is believed to be the only country systematically using

executed prisoners as sources of organs for transplantation.

Huang Jiefu is a Director of Organ Transplantation

Technology, and former Deputy Minister of Health.

On November 2, Huang spoke in a meeting in Hangzhou.

Any qualified organ transplantation hospital will

be banned from using executed prisoners organs.

The ban will take effect in May or June next year.

Only voluntary donors’ organs can be used,

via a newly launched distribution system.

Surgeons said in the meeting that the new policies

may affect the quantities available for transplants.

There will be a temporary shortage of organs.

Lin Zixu, current affairs commentator: “Huang Jiefu’s

speech is likely to ease current international pressure.

Huang said that only donor organs can be used.

However, the CCP has persecuted Falun Gong

since 1999, and many people now have personal

interests entwined within live organ harvesting.

It is difficult to achieve the ban in a short time.”

In the 1970s, the international community began

to condemn the CCP for it’s practice of illegally

taking organs from executed prisoners

However, the CCP has always denied the allegations. In

2006, live organ harvesting practices were exposed globally.

The Ministry of Health admitted that the

organs came from executed prisoners.

Lin Zixu: “The Third Plenary Session is opening soon.

Huang Jiefu openly mentioned the ban of live

organ harvesting from executed prisoners.

This is certainly not his normal behavior. It likely

meets the needs of the CCP’s internal struggles.

Some people want to hit at Jiang Zemin

and Zhou Yongkang’s weak points.

This is to warn the two to not take negative

actions before the CCP’s important meeting.”

In 1999, the CCP launched the persecution of Falun Gong.

Since 2000, China has become a world

leading country in organ transplantation.

At the end of September this year, the 24th UN

Human Rights Council Session took place in Geneva.

Spanish human rights lawyer, Carlos Iglesias

directly raised allegations against Jiang Zemin,

former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader.

Jiang was described as designing and

organizing a series of strategies to annihilate

many million Falun Gong practitioners.

In June, the US Congress once again raised a

resolution to stop the CCP harvesting organs.

In September, experts called on the Taiwanese government

to stop trading possibilities, and stop providing opportunities

for it’s citizens to go to China to have organ transplantations.

Lin Shih-chia, CEO of Foundation of Medical

Professionals Alliance in Taiwan commented.

Going to China for organ transplants, one can

book a surgery at an accurate time and location.

It is worth questioning if these organs are forcibly removed.

Wang Chuying, a U.S.-based Falun Gong

practitioner spoke to NTD about this issue.

In 2004, Wang was illegally held

in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

While there, another practitioner called

Xin Shuhua was held in the same location.

Xin was tortured using various methods. Later, the party

secretary of Masanjia intended to remove organs from Xin.

Wang Chuying: “The secretary Wang Naiming told Xin

Shuhua that people like her should be sent to Sujiatun.

He said, “You want to be a good person,

then you should donate your heart.”

Xin said that if she donates her heart,

how can she practice Falun Gong?

Xin said no. Wang told her that it wasn’t her

decision, and contacted Sujiatun hospital.”

Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital was one of the

first hospitals in Mainland China to have live

organ harvesting allegations brought against it.

The distance from Masanjia Forced Labour

Camp to Sujiatun is about 34 kilometers.

Falun Gong practitioner Yu Xinhui

was held in Guangdong’s Sihui Prison.

The prison doctor knew Yu.

He persuaded Yu not to against the CCP,

otherwise, his organ might be secretly taken.

Yu Xinhui: “At that time, this doctor told me that

Falun Gong practitioners are doing qigong exercises.

Because they do, they have such good

health, and their organs are certainly good.

Which would you choose, they said,

practitioners organs or prisoners organs?

Prisoners are likely to be drug addicts, alcoholics

with many bad habits, and their organs are damaged.

Falun Gong organs are the best, they said.”

Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, spoke

in an interview with the Epoch Times, in August 2009.

Nowak said that the explanation that most of these

organs come from death row inmates is inconclusive.

If so, the number of executed felons must then be

much higher than what has been assumed so far.”
