【禁聞】中日論壇針鋒相對 達《北京共識》



原定在8月《中日友好條約》簽署35週年時舉行的「第九屆北京—東京論壇」,27號已經閉幕, 據了解,中日雙方代表因釣魚島糾紛,發生了不愉快氣氛。





原紐約州立大學教授 謝選駿:「中日之間,就釣魚島發生的爭端,只是冰山一角,只是一個導火線,它的背後就是中日雙方的歷史宿怨、歷史宿仇。」









採訪/常春 編輯/黃億美 後製/陳建銘

The 9th Beijing-Tokyo Forum Was Tense But A Consensus was Reached

The 9th Beijing-Tokyo Forum was scheduled in August

but was postponed to Oct. 26 due to the increased tension

between the two countries.

During the forum, both sides had a verbal argument

over the Diaoyu Islands issue.

However, at the end of the meeting, they both signed

the Beijing Consensus.

The consensus states that they will attempt to avoid

a military conflict over the Diaoyu Islands dispute.

The 9th Beijing-Tokyo Forum, which had initially been

scheduled for August to mark the 35th anniversary of the

signing of the bilateral treaty of peace and friendship,

wrapped up in Beijing on Oct. 27.

Sources say that Sino-Japan representatives had

an unpleasant argument regarding the Diaoyu Islands dispute.

Tang Jiaxuan is a former Chinese State Councilor and also

head of the Sino-Japan Friendship Association.

He emphasized China’s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

He criticized that the Japanese government nationalized

the Diaoyu Islands, intensifying the relationship.

Former Japanese defense chief Gen Nakatani criticized

Tang’s manner in the seminar after Tang left.

He said that Tang’s speech is “over impudent,”

“casual talk, rude, and despicable.”

Being a country’s senior politician, Tang has

“no international standard,” said Nakatani.

Tang requested Japan properly

handle the Yasukuni Shrine issue.

Nakatani responded that the Japanese government’s active

pacifism is based on freedom, democracy and the laws

that govern the diplomatic policy.

Regarding Japanese firms being attacked during

an anti-Japanese parade last year in China,

Yasuo Fukuda, former Japanese Prime Minister,

says that it hurts all people in Japan.

He urged China to stop such violence in the future.

Xie Xuanjun, former Professor of the State University

of New York: “Between China and Japan, the Diaoyu Islands

dispute is the tip of iceberg, just a fuse.

Behind it is a historic feud.”

Although both countries’representatives had an argument,

it didn’t influence their signing of the Beijing Consensus.

The Beijing Consensus was announced

at the end of the forum.

It states that the two countries should eternally hold on

to the principle of peaceful co-existence;

Facing the current dispute over the Diaoyu Islands issue,

it is imperative for the two governments to have a dialogue

and negotiations to solve the dispute through peaceful means,

and establish a crisis control mechanism to prevent conflicts

or even military conflicts.

Xie Xuanjun: “A Sino-Japanese War is likely inevitable.

It is the issue of the scale of the war.

Currently, both sides vowing not to start a war actually

shows they are going to have a war.”

Xia Ming, Professor of Political Science at the City

University of New York: “There are signs that the civil

society, military, and intellectual circles hope to fight Japan.

They even to talk about fighting the US.

These words continued to demonize the Japanese in China,

thus the hatred and discrimination against Japan

amongst the civilians is soaring.”

The Beijing-Tokyo Forum was co-sponsored by China Daily

and Japanese Genron NPO.

The forum is held each year in Beijing and Tokyo in turn.

The two-day forum this year had about 60 attendees

from political, economic, and journalistic circles.

They exchanged views on politics, security, economy

and media, exploring ways to improve bilateral relations.

Both sides agreed to avoid military conflict over the Diaoyu

Islands, establishing a maritime liaison mechanism.

Regarding Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Ape’s active

pacifism, China accused Ape of greatly changing

Japan’s postwar defense strategy.

The Japanese side criticized China of increased defense

spending and non-transparency.

China’s Major General Zhu Chenghu defended that

“this is an inevitable military development of China.”

Zhu attributed the tense East Asian situation to the US

Asia-Pacific strategy.

Meanwhile, the BBC Chinese edition website reported that

Japan’s defense ministry made an announcement on Oct. 27.

They spotted the military aircrafts Y-8 and H-6 flying

over public seas between Chongsheng Island and Gonggu Islands.

The Chinese aircraft flew back and forth

between the East Sea and the Pacific ocean.

Two fighter jets Y-8 and two H-6 were spotted for a third

consecutive day following this flight path.

Japan’s defense ministry was on high alert

regarding China’s action.
