【禁聞】上海自貿區砸開一道口 前景難料













採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李智遠

The Shanghai Free Trade Area, FTA is opening soon which has

raised many discussions and expectations.

Different sources say, currency exchanging freely and interest

rate liberalization will equate to breaking a hole in the wall.

Experts believe that currency exchanging freely cannot be

completely confined to the Shanghai FTA, but will permeate

through the whole of China with unbounded finance.

The hole in the wall of money will grow bigger and bigger.

What are the prospects of a Shanghai FTA with

Chinese Communist Party CCP economic policy leading

to rapid growth but ignoring steady development.

Let’s take a look at the analysis.

On 29th September, the Shanghai Free Trade Area, FTA strongly,

promoted by the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will be officially

established and will publish 32 related detailed rules.

Outside expectation is fairly high since some officials want

it to become more of an influence as revealed this summer.

Bank account interest rates will be fully liberalized in this

region and Beijing will completely open the

closed capital account as hinted.

Maybe foreign telecommunications companies will be allowed

to invest in this area, and compete with the domestic mobile

services giants such as China Mobile eventually.

Former State Commission official and current Beijing Siyuan

Social Sciences Research Centre CEO Cao Siyuan thinks

compared to China’s special economic zones over the past

30 years, large and small, the Shanghai Free Trade Area has

more import and export rights and Foreign Exchange Authority.

However, Cao Siyuan’s understanding is that only successful

enterprises that join the Shanghai FTA can enjoy

the right of foreign exchange freely.

Beijing Siyuan Social Sciences Research Center CEO Cao Siyuan:

To join the Shanghai FTA and enjoy exchange freely, you have

to meet certain conditions and complete certain formalities.

On 16th September, British “Reuters” quoted

Standard Chartered Bank analysts said

there is an unbalanced contradiction

in the Shanghai trading zone.

The influence will be very small if the authority limited

companies to do all their business in

the Shanghai trading zone.

However, if the financial services can be offered to any

company in China, it will basically open up its capital

account and result in capital spewing out.

The Public Policy Institute of Renmin University executive

VP, Professor Mao Shoulong said, the economic free trading

zone is a more important concept.

It is very favorable for the global economy and the

development of market economy.

On 15th September, U.S. business magazine “Forbes"

published Chinese writer Zhang Jiadun’s article stated

almost every Chinese economic expert is concerned about

the Shanghai FTA, because the authorities will break down

an amazing hole in the Chinese currency wall.

Professor Mao Shoulong also believes that freely currency

exchange cannot be completely confined to the Shanghai Free

Trade because it is impossible to have financial barriers.

The Public Policy Institute of Renmin University executive

VP, Professor Mao Shoulong: money has no identity and borders.

You can see the Financial Marketization reform has limited

scope on the one hand;

it still has room to open up on the other.

It doesn’t mean all businesses and financial institutes can

exchange freely there, otherwise it is equal

to full liberalization.

Professor Mao Shoulong questioned what is the meaning of

the liberalization reforms, if the authorities confined

exchanging currency freely to the Shanghai trading zone.

On 26th September, the US “Wall Street Journal" reported that

in the past 30 years, the CCP had established numerous SEZ

(special economic zones) in China, large and small, but still

refused to embrace the lessons learned from these SEZ.

As they know economy liberalization in full swing would result

in the weakening of their authority.

At present, more evidence shows that China’s special economic

zones exist to just achieve rapid growth rather

than be steadily liberalized.
