【禁聞】李克強「斷腕」推改革 奈何中共患絕症

















採訪編輯/李韻 後製/周天

Economic Reform Cannot Cure China’s Terminal Illness

On Sept. 10, Premier Li Keqiang attended the 2013 summer

Davos Forum in Dalian as an entrepreneur representative.

He vowed to continue economic reform

with great determination.

Analysts believe that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

has terminal cancer, which has spread to the entire body,

and no amount of determination can help to cure.

Li Keqiang said that economic reform offers not only great

bonuses but also challenges.

However, the Party is determined to continue to move

forward with economic reform.

Wang Beijie, current affairs commentator: “The CCP

is a highly corrupt dictator both politically and economically.

What Li determines to maintain is a high degree of both

political and economic dictatorialship, not a new politically

and economically healthy social reform."

Hua Po, Beijing current affairs observer, believes that Li’s

speech was for a few interests groups,

instead of the old interests groups.

Hua Po: “In terms of economic reform, he wants to divide

the economic cake, which will force interests groups

to fight back.

I think this kind of reform will face great difficulties."

During his first press conference on March 17, 2013,

Li vowed the reform will reach the deep end, cut

government’s power and what he promised

will be carried out.

Hua Po: “Regarding special interests groups, they are

the terminal cancer that has spread to the brain.

Whatever determination Li wants to use,

he cannot cut his head off, can he?”

Hua further points out that the rhetoric of economic reform

will not solve the problem; only death and rebirth can.

Wang Beijie: “The CCP’s biggest problem is not economic

or political reform, but a state of rule of law.

A society protects the achievements from economic reform

with the rule of law.

With our current legal situation, any reform is only fantasy,

but not a cure.”

Wang believes that for the last 30 years, the CCP did many

things and loudly shouted slogans.

Despite some success, it left a social chaos.

Wang Bijie: “On the one hand, it invites foreign investment

to China and shares the profits of the Chinese people.

On the other hand, it brought down the international financial

order and moral ethos.

The entire princeling, or elite class, in China divide

the economic cake, such as Zhou Yongkang’s family

and relatives who hog the oil industry

before the public’s eyes.”

Last year, media outlets had exposed that Zhou Yongkang,

former secretary of the Politics and Law Committee,

and his son, used his position to monopolize the oil

industry and acquired at least 20 billion in wealth.

The New York Times reported that the CCP princelings

use family power to control China’s economic lifeline

and share national wealth.

Among them, Jiang Mianheng, the son of former leader

Jiang Zemin, controls telecommunications

and semiconductors, as well as invests in many large

Sino-foreign joint cultural projects.

In addition, Li Xiaolin, daughter of former Premier Li Peng,

is the chairman of China Power International.

Her brother, Li Xiaopeng, is the chairman

of Huaneng Power International.

Yuan Hongbing, Chinese law expert: “The so-called economic

reform is that after wealth is created by the people, it flows

endlessly into the pockets of corrupt officials through this

power-market economic mechanism.

Thus, it caused a serious polarization, which not only destroys

social justice, but also destroys people’s confidence in morals."

The August issue of Hong Kong’s Outpost magazine predicted

that the end of the CCP is near.

The report said that the process of the CCP’s disintegration

will be divided into three phases:

an economic collapse from now till 2014, a political collapse

in 2015, and an overall crash of the entire society in 2016.
