



衛斯理學院(Wellesley College)是美國頂尖文科的著名女子學院,曾培養過大批有影響力的世界女性領導人,宋美齡等。9月初,衛斯理學院宣佈與北京大學成為「婦女全球夥伴」第一個合作夥伴。







夏業良:「甚麼叫中國的主流價值觀,跟世界的主流價值觀有甚麼差異,如果不一樣的話應該以哪個為準,官方說自己的主流就是主流了嗎? 有多少人從心裡面認同這些價值觀呢?你比如說,共產主義、社會主義這一套東西已經講多少年了,中國現在14億人,裡面有多少人去認同說是要實現共產主義?」








採訪編輯/常春 後製/陳建銘

Professor Xia Yeliang’s Dismissal Causes International Concerns

Recently, the phrase “something happening at Beijing

University” circulated on the Internet in Mainland China.

It turned out that more than a hundred faculty members

at a US college co-signed a letter to Beijing University asking them to keep Professor Xia Yeliang.

On September 9, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

mouthpiece Global Times posted an article claiming

that Xia failed to pass his teaching job evaluation

last summer.

Xia pointed out that Hu Xijing, the editor-in-chief

at Global Times, openly spread this rumor.

Chen Tieyuan, senior media personel and senior overseas

venture consultant, revealed on his blog that the dismissal

of Prof. Xia may cause diplomatic disputes.

On September 3, 136 faculty members at Wellesley College

sent a joint letter to the president of Beijing University

warning that dismissing Xia will bring re-consideration

of the partnership between the two universities.

Wellesley College is a famous women’s liberal arts college,

and has trained many influential women leaders in the world,

such as Madame Chiang Kai-shek.

In early September, Wellesley College announced that

Beijing University will be its first “Women’s Global Partner."

Professor Xia Yeliang: “Well-known international universities

have this basic concept that freedom of thought and freedom

of expression exist in universities.

The joint letter showed that universities adhere

to this fundamental concept.

In addition, I have received many letters of support

from international universities or famous scholars."

On July 3, 2013, Professor Xia disclosed on his own blog

that Beijing University threatened to dismiss him because

someone reported him for publishing vicious attacks

of the CCP, socialism and ridiculing the China dream.

Many netizens support Professor Xia.

Famous Beijing scholar Wu Jiaxiang said that Beijing

University really needs to dismiss some professors, but definitely

not Prof. Xia.

Others suggest dismissing Sun Qingdong

and Zhang Yiwu instead.

On September 9, the Global Times published a review written

by “Dan Renping," saying that Xia’s blog attacked

the CCP’s political system.

According to “Renping," Xia’s blog showed that he was

a political extremist, and attacking the current system

was being anti-democratic, anti-rule of law

and anti-humanity.

Xia Ye Liang: “How do you define what is extreme or not?

If some groups are very backwards, how can they judge

what is advanced and what is not?

Some netizens took these editorials as laughing matters.

They were full of holes, and people find them


Many netizens know that “Dan Renping" is actually

Hu Xijing, the Global Times’ chief editor.

The article also said that Prof. Xia’s ideas are opposite

of mainstream values.

Xia Ye Liang: “Are there differences between China’s

mainstream values and these of the world’s mainstream


If there are, which one will be the standard?

Official claims cannot turn anything into mainstream values.

How many people really agree with officials in their hearts?

Communism and socialism have been discussed for 14 years,

but among 1.4 billion Chinese, how many people agree

to carry out communism?"

The article also mentioned that according to Global Times,

universities have just resumed their school year and faculty

appoinments are still underway at Beijing University, as well

as that Xia did not pass his job evaluation last year.

Xia Ye-liang said that he had passed his job performance

evaluation and Hu’s statement was slander.

Xia will reserve the right to legal proceedings.

Xia Ye Liang: “It is hard to understand why

Beijing University would do something like this.

It is most likely coming from the top.

Nowadays, that is the CCP’s attitude towards intellects,

academics and freedom of thought."

Lin Zixu, political commentator, believes that we can

see from this that the CCP is very weak.

Lin Zixu: “As a university professor, Xia expressed

according to his conscience, and the CCP tries to suppress him.

However, Sun Qingdong talked nonsense, and the CCP

repeatedly supported him.

That is the misfortune of China."

XiaYeliang: “If Beijing University is afraid to speak up,

what kind of university will that be?

It has lost its soul, and the spirit of Beijing University

is dead."

Historically, Beijing University was well known

for freedom of thought.

It was the center of China’s new culture movement

and many other modern political movements.

In modern times, it has become

a Chinese political barometer.
