











採訪編輯/常春 後製/薛莉

Remove Jiang’s “Three Represents” from the Constitution

Cao Siyuan, the CEO of Beijing Si Yuan Social Science

Research Center said that

it is a “setback” to add the so-called “Three Represents”

by the former CCP leader Jiang Zemin to the Constitution.

The “Three Represents“should be removed

from the Constitution.

What is the intention in setting up the Constitution, and

what is the spirit of “Constitution”?

Is there a relation between the “Three Represents” and

constitutional content? Let’s take a look at the experts’ analysis.

In February 2000, Jiang Zemin talked about the CCP being

representative of productivity, culture, and people’s interests during his inspection tour in Guangdong.

After the inspection tour, CCP authorities called upon

party organizations at all levels to learn the so-called “three represents”

and to quickly set off the spirit of learning and practicing

the “ Three Represents “ across the country.

When Jiang Zemin retired, the “Three Represents“ were

added to the Constitution , and to the CCP’s constitution.

A few days ago, Cao Siyuan, the CEO of Beijing

Si Yuan Social Science Research Center suggested that

the “Three Represents” should be removed

from the Constitution.

Cao Siyuan: “The Constitution is a country’s system.

It is established to protect people’s rights and

regulate the power of public servants.

The Constitution does not relate to the so-called

“Three Represents” in nature.

This irrelevant content should not be added to

the Constitution.”

Cao Siyuan also said that, the “Three Represents”

should be authorized by the people,

instead of being merely being an

expression of the CCP’s wishes.

Cao Siyuan: “Representations cannot be forced! Strictly speaking,

this representation must be authorized through elections.

The current representation shows that the CCP must

be representative, whether it is allowed or not.

The CCP speaks on your behalf, and then you shut up!

This does not work if you are not allowed to speak.

Freedom of speech is an undeniable right for any

country’s citizens.

Everyone has the right to speak.

Representation is a very clear cut concept.”

How does this “Three Represents” theory come across?

According to the description of the “True Jiang Zemin”,

Wang Huning, Special Assistant to the President in the

CCP’s “Central Policy Research Office” revealed that

he is the original author of the “Three Represents”.

“The True Jiang Zemin” says that Jiang was “eager for his

tombstone”, he tried to tie in with Mao and Deng’s theories

and to shape the “third generation theoretical authority” image.

Then he allowed Wang Huning to provide a “contribution”

to the “Three Represents“ theory.

Commentator Sima Tai: “The CCP does not attach

importance to the ‘Constitution’.

The CCP has treated the constitution as a toy,

instead of as a serious matter. Power is firmly secured now.

Then a theory, something invented or

a few words could be added to the Constitution.

This behavior has become a tradition for the CCP.

The CCP becomes concerned and worried if you can put

a few words you wrote into the Constitution.

They themselves do not care what words you say.”

On January 28 this year, the new CCP leader Xi Jinping

expressed clearly in the Politburo meeting that

attention should be paid to developing CCP members

from youth workers, farmers and intellectuals.

He planned to optimize the structure of CCP membership.

Observers believe that this is the first time an attempt has

been made to remove the elite financial magnates from the CCP Central Committee.

The aim is to deny Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents”

any recognition.

Hu Ping, the editor in chief of “Beijing Spring” magazine said

that elite privatization was already deeply embedded in

Chinese society when Jiang Zemin stepped down.

Various contradictions emerged in society, the wealth gap

and the confrontations between the government and the people of China,

became more and more serious leading up

to the Hu Jintao era.

Only from this viewpoint will we have a more comprehensive

understanding of Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents”.
