【禁聞】重慶不雅視頻案 各方說法不一


【新唐人2013年05月03日訊】重慶不雅視頻案 各方說法不一

5月2號,中共喉舌《人民網》記者在微博披露,「重慶不雅視頻案」 女主角趙紅霞涉嫌敲詐勒索一案,已由重慶市公安局移送重慶市檢察院第一分院,進入審查起訴階段。








報告還說,很難判斷有多少法輪功學員被關押,因為他們很多人通常被關押在勞教所和精神病院等機構。但是,美國國務院指出,正式記錄在勞教所的25萬囚犯中, 法輪功學員可能佔了一半。聯合國酷刑問題特別報告員報告說,在(他們研究的)案例中,法輪功學員佔受酷刑迫害受害者的2/3。





Different Viewpoints On Indecent Video Case In Chongqing

On May 2nd the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece,

People’s Daily, disclosed that Zhao Hongxia, the main figure in

Chongqing indecent video case, is now charged with extortion.

Her case has been transferred to the Chongqing Municipal Public

Security Bureau, entering the examination and prosecution phase.

The message has caused an uproar on the Internet.

Netizens complain that the CCP is protecting corrupt officials

and punishing the weak and powerless.

Reporter Zhu Ruifeng, who disclosed the Chongqing case,

told BBC’s Chinese network that Chinese officials indicated

earlier that the culprit was a criminal gang.

Zhu Ruifeng said, “For the Chongqing Public Security Bureau,

it is like the left hand investigating the right hand.

They are both the players and also the referees. They are criminals

themselves.Yet, they are investigating Zhao Hongxia. What a Joke!”

Persecution Of Falun Gong Mentioned

In US Religious Freedom Report

American Religious Liberty Commission

recently released the 2013 annual report.

It stated that religious freedom in China

has continued to deteriorate;

Falun Gong practitioners have suffered the most severe

Persecution and a large number of allegations surfaced.

These indicated the Chinese regime continues to harvest

organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

The report, published in the April 30, described in detail

the status of religious freedom in 23 countries.

It included details of significant deterioration in China.

It suggested that Myanmar, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi

Arabia the Sudan, and Eritrea should receive special concerns.

The report stated that Falun Gong has suffered

the most violent form of persecution.

Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, tortured,

and abused by the extrajudicial security sector.

For 14 years, the Chinese regime has continued to harass,

detain, and intimidate Falun Gong practitioners.

Authorities have forced them to give up their beliefs,

and deprive them of their right to legal representation.

The report also said, it is difficult to determine

how many Falun Gong practitioners are being held;

They are usually held in labor camps, mental hospitals

and other institutions.

However, the U.S. State Department, official records indicated

that half of the 250,000 inmates in the labor camps are Falun

Gong practitioners. Two thirds of them have been tortured.

Shanghai Residents Protest Against Building Of Battery Factory

On May 1st thousands of Shanghai residents gathered to parade.

They were protesting at “Guo Xuan Battery Factory" being built

in Shanghai Songjiang District. Protesters held banners.

They had slogans such as “Love Shanghai! Love Songjiang!"

And “Resolutely resist Guo Xuan battery factory

being built in Songjiang!"

They also shouted slogans, marched for two miles,

and arrived at the district government.

Authorities dispatched hundreds of police to the scene,

arresting at least four people.
