

【新唐人2013年04月08日訊】 (美国之音電)

今天我們要學的詞是 little-known。Little-known 很少有人知道的。Federal investigators in Northern California routinely used a little-known surveillance tool to get data on and track criminal suspects. 北加州聯邦調查人員常常使用一種很少為人所知的偵察工具來蒐集數據,追蹤犯罪嫌疑人。The head of the Syrian opposition’s new interim government is a Syrian-born American who is little-known inside the country. 敘利亞反對派臨時政府新領導人是在敘利亞出生的美國人,敘利亞國內知道他的人不多。It is a little known fact that Yang Lin has a tattoo of a flower on her right hip. 好的,今天我們學習的詞是 little-known, little-known, little-known…
