













李旺玲夫婦失蹤 警方拒絕立案





Inside Story Of Weapon Trade Between China And Russia Exposed.

A famous Russian airplane designer revealed that the design

draft of WZ-10 helicopter gunship was made in Russia.

According to VOA report, in 1995, Russian helicopter gunship

design and manufacture enterprise, Kamov Design Bureau

created the WZ-10 (941 design draft) with a take-off weight of

six Tons. Chief designer Sergei – Mikheyev exposed this fact.

He said the designing was according to the contract between

the governments of Russia and China.

He said that the design draft of WZ-10 wasn’t based on

Soviet Union helicopter gunships.

It was designed and developed according to Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) requirements.

After Kamov Design Bureau finished the design, they performed

tests, then transferred the “941 design draft” to China.

At Zhuhai International Air Show at the end of last year, it was

the first time China exhibited WZ-10 to the outside world.

China’s mouthpiece Xihua Agency called it “the helicopter

gunships that China developed and produced independently”.

Famous Mainland Civil Right Person Hu Jia Subpoenaed.

During the “Two Congress” meeting, well known civil rights

campaigner, Hu Jia was detained at home.

On March 14th, police in Tongzhou district, Beijing,

subpoenaed him on the charge of “making trouble”.

Since the police removed him from his home to the station,

he could only contact his wife and friends by phone messages.

Now, he hasn’t come back home.

Hu Jia suffered from severe cirrhosis;

his subpoena attracted overseas concern.

Some netizens queried: “Is Hu detained at home?

How did he “make trouble”?

Some netizens cared about Hu Jia’s health and said:

“he suffered from severe cirrhosis,

please call the police station to clarify his situation and

give him good treatment. Release him quickly.”

Some netizens suspected that Hu’s subpoena was

because he verified to the media:

“The people who beat Hong Kong reporters

are security staff of Haidian district, Beijing.”

90% Of Citizens support Hong Kong Returning To British territory.

On March 12th, Hong Kong “South China Morning Post”

carried out a network poll to collect citizens’ opinions.

They asked whether people hope Hong Kong will once more

become one of Britain’s territories.

By eight pm on the 14th, 92% netizens voted in favor.

Comments say that’s because citizens aren’t satisfied with social

conflicts and Beijing interfered with Hong Kong’s inner workings.

According to “Radio Free Asia" report, Hong Kong Legislative

Council member, Liang Guoxiong said it had nothing to do with patriotism.

It’s because Hong Kong citizens are afraid of Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) interfering in Hong Kong inner affairs.

He believes that the SAR Government’s policies after the

reunification are worse than the British era.

Some netizens left messages on Facebook: “During the colonial

era, Britain never advocated patriotism and supported policies.

At that time, there weren’t monopolized by large consortia.

The citizens were very happy and there was high social mobility.

The government didn’t interfere with press freedom and respected

Local culture, so citizens naturally supported British governance.

Li Wangling And Husband Missing, Police Refuse To Investigate.

Hunan pro-democracy activist Li Wangyang’s sister,

Li Wanglin and her husband have beein missing for one week,

Oth n March 14th Li Wangyang’s close friend Zhu Chengzhi

reported this to the police station; his report was refused.

Originally, the attorney who wanted to report them missing

together with Zhu, was stopped before setting out.

According to “Radio Free Asia" report, Zhu said that

he was worried about the couple’s situation.

He hoped some enthusiastic attorney could help him to ask

Police to search for them and make them back home quickly.

After Li Wangyang’s strange death, the couple was closely

monitored by the Chinese Communist Party officials.
