【禁聞】中國富士康欲成立工會 意在何方?














採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/君卓

Foxonn in China Wants to Set-up Trade Unions

In recent years, workers from China’s largest private employer-

“Foxconn", have continued to go on strikes or commit suicide.

Currently, media reports state that Foxconn factories in China are

preparing to host their first truly representative union elections.

Some analysts believe if Foxconn can really do this,

although it is an innovation,

it would be hard to exhibit the true meaning of an independent

trade union, under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On 4th February, Foxconn published a statement

and promised to have new reform measures.

Union members will elect more representatives from

junior level employees, and management will not meddle with the election process.

It is estimated that there will be a total of

18,000 elected union members.

After the Lunar New Year, those union members will train

Foxconn workers on how to elect union representatives.

Presently, there are about 1.2 million employees in

Foxconn factories in China.

Obsevers are sceptical that these real representatives of

Foxconn can truly defend workers’ benefits.

Professor Xie Tian of the University of South Carolina said

that new unions may engage in obtaining some small benefits or a slap on the wrist type of actions.

However, these unions cannot resolve the fundamental issues

between employers and employees.

Professor Xie Tian: “It is asinine that a union

is advocated and initiated by a company.

In Western society, a truly free country,

no union has ever been organized by a company.

Workers spontaneously and voluntarily organize a union

and their goal is to improve their dealings with management levels of a company."

The online version of the British “Guardian" published a

signed article, asking why in other parts of the world,

companies want to attack trade unions in order to lower wages,

but the CCP wants to do the opposite?

Author Richard Seymour said, one of the reasons is that

in the past few years, emerging labor disputes have threatened productivity.

The CCP is eager to institutionalize workers’resistance.

Thus, workers’resistance can be slowed down and

controlled through negotiations.

Therefore, workers’resistance will not turn

into violent outbreaks.

Xie Tian pointed out, it is unavoidable that unions

in Foxconn factories will be under the control of ACFTU, the CCP’s window dressing institute.

Consequently, these unions will be used by the CCP,

so they cannot really defend workers rights.

Xie Tian : “The detailed information of this

has not yet come out.

It is likely that Foxconn has become a part of

a united front of the CCP.

It takes the initiative to collaborate with the CCP

to control the Chinese people.

We know Party branches appear in many enterprises.

Many Taiwan enterprises and foreign enterprises

in China are in line with the CCP."

Xie Tian said, from the Party’s point of view,

the CCP would be in favor of any means to control workers.

The CCP will be happy to cooperate with these foreign-funded

enterprises to control Chinese workers, who will be completely under the CCP’s manipulation.

Foxconn employee from Shenzhen Mr. Deng thinks,

if they want to be good to workers,

they should pick union representatives among people

who have courage and the conscience to speak up for others.

Mr. Deng: “Many workers will not talk

even if they know the truth.

Therefore, they need to look for educated people

who can think independently and dare to speak up."

On 11th January, about a thousand Foxconn workers from

Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province, took to the streets to protest

against low wages, unfair salary increases,

poor living conditions, and harsh management.

On 22nd January, Foxconn employees of Daxing District,

Beijing went on strike against lack of salary raises and year-end bonuses.

They surrounded senior executives

in the cafeteria for answers.

On the morning of January 29, Chongqing Foxconn employees

attempted to commit suicide by jumping off buildings again.

It is understood that their year-end bonuses had been

delayed, and they did not have money to go home for the Chinese holidays.
