【禁聞】山西又曝水污染 李小鵬陷瞞報泥潭


















採訪/朱智善 編輯/張天宇 後製/王明宇

Li Xiaopeng Tries to Conceal Water Pollution in Shanxi


A major explosion occurred in a Shanxi tunnel,

not long after acting governor, Li Xiaopeng had taken office.

The incident ended with “the company concealing the news”

as a result.

Before public media’s questions had been fully answered,

the Shanxi water pollution was once again exposed.

Li Xiaopeng has been deeply involved in concealment affairs.

Will this affect his career? Let’s look at the reports.

On December 31, 2012, the highly ignitive chemical aniline,

spilled at Shanxi Tianji Media Chemical Corp., in Changzhi City.

Nearly 39 tons of aniline flowed out from burst pipelines and

at least 8.7 tons flowed into the Zhuozhang River.

Severely polluting & spreading directly in to the

downstream provinces.

More seriously, Shanxi authorities did not inform

Handan City of Hebei Province until January 5.

Shanxi Provincial Environmental Protection Office

claimed they were not informed of the news until five days after the accident.

They said they notified the Hebei provincial government

on the same day, completely distancing themselves from their own responsibility.

Miss Li from Handan: “If the government can look at this

from the view point of the majority of the people,

it should had promptly notified us. Its fa bit late after 4-5 days.

This is a matter of life and health, right?

Now a lot of people have raised objections about this."

Even the Handan government took immediate measures,

temporarily replacing the reservoir,

it still caused a sudden disruption of water supply with in

a large area of the city, causing public panic over water and water storage.

As a result, all bottled drinking water was found to be

all sold out at the time.

Miss Lee: “Water is something everyone must have.

We heard of the spilling but it was not promptly reported.

It has affected many people in using their water."

If Handan water spill caused inconvenience to people’s lives,

has the delayed report of water pollution caused more harm to people’s health?

People of Handan are more concerned about

what kind of damage might happen to the body,

five days after the incident & drinking the polluted water.

Miss Lee: “Some people say the water

isn’t good enough to drink yet.

Before the water was shut off, I did not know,

including many in our unit.

I am sure many drank the contaminated water

during those days.”

Reporter: “Do you worry about your own health now?"

Miss Lee: “Yes, I do. I do not know the specifics,

but I am certain something chronic, like slow poisoning taking place in my body.

I would like to go to the hospital for a check up.”

Then, What makes the delay of 5 days in making a report !?

Changzhi City News Office Director Wang Yiping said:

“If the pollution is not beyond the Changzhi border,

it does not need to report to the provincial office.

We can take care of it ourselves.”

However, according to villagers who live near to the accident,

said no one had informed them of the leakage.

They only saw a written notice of “People and animals are

prohibited from drinking river wastewater “on January 5.

In other words, the authorities in Shanxi, Changzhi knew of

aniline spilling in to the river and chose to conceal the news.

During New Year’s Day of 2013, Li Xiaopeng,

the acting governor of Shanxi Province,

inspected Linfen railway tunnel explosion site and spoke in a

high-profile manner of “zero tolerance" of accidents concealment.

All CCP’s state-owned media have reported that Li Xiaopeng

was shocked at “The Central Enterprises accidents being concealed"

and his “self-blame” on the local government’s “hindsight."

But later media disclosed that the local government knew

of the incident immediately, which exposed Li Xiaopeng’s lies at the same time.

Shanxi human rights activist, Li Maoling: “It is ridiculous,

they have done that with every accident–the same kind of report,

condemnations, and zero tolerance etc.

You are a governor, don’t you share some responsibilities?

You are the first one on line, and you should resign!"

No one knows who will become the scapegoat for

the Water Pollution’s concealment this time.

Will Li Xiaopeng’s career be affected?

Will he rely on his father again to fight against public opinions?

With protection, the outcome of this princeling governor

remains to be seen.
