【禁聞】評年度十大新聞 民眾不屑












美國《環球郵報》(Global Post)12月27號報導說,雖然中共政府可能不同意2012年是充滿好運的一年,但是對中國觀察者來說,它卻是好戲連臺。從薄熙來激動人心的倒臺,到經濟放緩,到盲人活動家陳光誠的逃亡,都說明這一年是中國最近歷史上最重大的一年。



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/君卓

CCP’s 2012 Top 10 News Scorned by Civilians

2012 was a busy but unfavorable year

for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The shocking incident of Bo Xilai’s downfall trapped

CCP into its most serious crisis in the past twenty years.

At the end of the year, Chinese and non-Chinese media

presented different versions of China’s 2012 top 10 news.

Not surprisingly, the CCP’s official “Top Ten” continue

to glorify the CCP, and were scorned by Chinese civilians.

The CCP’s mouthpiece media, the People’s Daily,

presented its top 10 China’ news of the year.

The full list includes: reinforcing control over sea area;

more efforts on anti-corruption;

successful docking of Shenzhou-9;

establishment of the world’s largest healthcare network;

commission of China’s first aircraft carrier;

comprehensive improvement in cultural system reform;

stabilization of economical operation;

convocation of the 18th CCP Congress;

consecutive increase of grain yield for nine years; and

“Eight Provisions” presented by the new CCP’s politburo.

However, this list has been criticized by many,

as soon as it was published online.

Guangyuan, former People’s Daily reporter and incumbent

chief editor of dongcha.com spoke on the issue.

Guangyuan remarked that the real influence of news

should not be decided by official news agencies.

Guangyuan (chief editor, dongcha.com): ”It should be all

the civilians that have the final say on whether the influence of any news is large or small.

Big news are those the civilians care most about, thus they

always spread widely and quickly among ordinary people.”

Guangyuan provided a personal list of the most important

China’ news in 2012, including demolition and protests.

Guangyuan: ”One of the biggest news should be demolition,

forced demolition of civilians’ homes.

This happened not once or twice. It’s a problem seen

all over China. So this should be one of the biggest news.

Another should be the Guangzhou

youngsters story.

The group raised slogans on the street, requesting CCP leaders to declare their properties.

Because of this, those youngsters were sent back

to their hometown, arrested and detained.

These are two examples of big events in my opinion.

There are many others, representative of the real livelihood

of Chinese people, hence worth being called “big news.”

He Guoquan, Guangzhou artist remarked, he seldom reads

CCP’s official media and could hardly trust what they say.

In his opinion, the most important news include Bo Xilai’,

Wanglijun,’ and Lei Zhengfu’ incidents, among others.

He Guoquan (Guangzhou artist): ”The news about

Lei Zhengfu or Bo Xilai of Chongqing is really important.

Wang Lijun’s defecting to the US consulate is big news,

without a doubt.

Thousands of police were deployed to capture Zhou Kehua.

This is definitely sensational, isn’t it?

On the other hand, according to my experience

almost nobody trusts what the official media say.”

Guangyuan addressed one of People’s Daily’s top 10 news,

the establishment of world’s largest healthcare system.

Guangyuan criticized that the so-called healthcare reform

aims at getting money out of civilians, not serving them.

Guangyuan: ”For example, in the past when I saw a doctor

at China-Japan Friendship Hospital for my hypertension, I got four medicines with one registration fee of 3 Yuan.

Since this July, after the so-called healthcare reform, I have

to pay the registration fee 3-4 times for the same drugs.

Furthermore, the registration fee at Chaoyang Hospital

increased to 45 Yuan from 3 to 5 Yuan.”

A Global Post article published on December 27th,

wrote about how CCP sees itself in 2012.

Although CCP would not agree that 2012 was a lucky year

for them, China’ observers had seen many “exciting” events.

Like Bo Xilai’s downfall, China’ economic growth slowdown,

and the blind activist Chen Guangcheng’ successful escape.

They all suggest that 2012 was maybe the most important

year in China’s recent history.

The Global Post’s “Five biggest events of 2012 that changed

China” are: the fall of Bo Xilai; The South China Sea crisis;

the escape of Chen Guangcheng; the ascent of Xi Jinping;

the slowdown of China’s economy growth.

Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily also elected 10 events

to summarize 2012 for China.

The full list includes: new faces at the 18th CCP Congress;

ups and downs of Bo Xilai case;

disputes about Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands);

Mo Yan Nobel Prize win; Wang Lijun’s shocking defection;

darkness behind poisonous capsules;

Cheng Guangcheng escaping from home arrest;

Shenzhou-9 docking with Tiangong-1 space station;

Wukan’s struggle toward democratic elections;

China-Philippines fighting for Huangyan Island

(Scarborough Shoal).
