【禁聞】「習派」或登場 還用舊「花樣」






王軍濤「 中國在5年內不會有甚麽太大的變化可能。如果要是有變局,只有在發生危機和突發事件,引發朝局動盪的時候,習近平他們通過政變的方式來控制局勢,把江澤民原來安排的格局給它邊緣化。然後另搞一個格局,這樣才可以有機會去解決問題。」


時事評論員劉淇昆:「 有可能出現『習派』。中共官場的傳統,是不是跟對人了,這個很重要。那麼現在習近平既然大權在握,那麼有人投靠他,有人要跟他,這些都是中共官場的潛規則了。」

在民主國家,人們因爲不同的政治理念而組成不同政黨,但中共內部的派系向來不是這樣。研究中國問題的自由撰稿人戴維科恩(David Cohen)之前在網路雜誌《外交者》(The Diplomat)發表分析文章說,中共一黨獨大,其中派系也跟思想無關,主要看的是「靠山」。





採訪/常春 編輯/尚燕 後製/蕭宇

Interpretation of Xi Jinping’s Southern Tour

Before taking office, Xi Jinping, had long been viewed as

a low profile official in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This feature helped him to take over the

top power during CCP’s fierce infighting.

However, a deeper meaning behind his first

southern inspection tour, has been interpreted.

Is Xi Jinping a person who will launch political reform

in China, and if yes, how far will his reform go?

Xi Jinping has axed several corrupt officials

since he took the CCP’s top seat.

Later, Xi went to Guangdong

to inspect local economic reform.

Xi’s southern tour has been widely viewed

as “unusual", as it was intentionally low-key.

It was also seen as an emulation of Deng Xiaoping.

Reportedly, Xi specifically presented a bouquet

to a bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping, when visiting his mother in Shenzhen.

On November 15, Chen Huasheng, a research

associate at the National Policy Foundation in Taiwan, commented in an article.

He interpreted that Xi Jinping’s round

of political actions has many layers of meaning.

The foremost is that Xi “advocates Deng Xiaoping’s line"

to respond potential political pressures and challenges from Hu Jintao or Jiang Zemin.

Further, Xi demonstrates to the world that although

Jiang’s close allies have taken over half of the seats

on CCP Politburo Standing Committee, he will not

submit to Jiang’s forces for taking a political route.

Dr Wang Juntao, political science expert from Columbia

University, says that it is still very hard for Xi Jinping

to completely shake off control from Jiang’s forces.

It is also hard for him to implement reform.

Dr. Wang Juntao: “China won’t see any

major change in the next five years, I think.

Political change may only occur in the event

of a crisis outbreak, or an emergency event.

Then in order to control the situation, Xi Jinping

and his team may resort to a coup.

Xi will marginalize Jiang’s pre-set arrangements

and initiate his own, in order to solve the problem."

Over his past political career, Xi Jinping

has carefully concealed his point of view.

Yet, shortly after taking office, Xi openly talked about

reform, the people, corruption and about nation revival.

Xi’s change has been widely considered that he is fostering

his own forces, Xi’s faction, to confront “the Princelings”,

“the Communist Youth League faction”, and Jiang’s forces.

Critic Liu Qikun: “The 『Xi faction’ may appear.

In CCP officialdom, it’s important to take

the right stand. Now Xi Jinping is in power.

Someone could seek shelter under him or follow him,

and these are hidden rules in the CCP’s officialdom.”

In a democratic country, people form different political

parties based on different political ideologies.

The case for the CCP’s factions is different, however.

David Cohen comments on this point

in his article published on thediplomat.com.

He said that, “Factions in Chinese politics

have little connection with ideology.

Rather, they are primarily patron-client networks.”

Liu Qikun: “The CCP’s different interest

groups gave birth to different factions.

None of them is real pro-constitutional democracy.

They all safeguard CCP one-party dictatorship.

So it’s unreliable to pin one’s hope on any one of them."

The CCP regime underwent difficulties in 1992.

The regime’s bloody crackdown on the

student pro-democracy movement of 1989 had smashed Chinese people’s trust in it.

In 1992, Deng Xiaoping made a southern inspection tour.

By means of economic stimulation,

Deng sustained the CCP’s rule.

China has so far witnessed the aftermath

of Deng’s refusal to launch political reform.

And Xi Jinping tried to once again take economic reform

as a booster for CCP’s ruling, which will prove difficult.

Liu Qikun: “The CCP now faces huge

obstacles in driving China’s economy.

This is just because it hasn’t implemented political reform.

I don’t expect Xi Jinping to be more active on political reform.

His emulation of Deng Xiaoping has indicated that he will

make economic reforms, but uphold the CCP dictatorship.

Wasn’t it Deng Xiaoping who created

the “June 4 Tiananmen massacre” in 1989?

Don’t pin any hope on Xi Jinping for political reform.

The bigger the expectations, the bigger the disappointment.”

Xi Jinping intentionally kept a low profile in his southern tour,

which differentiated himself from other top CCP officials.

Meanwhile, the CCP’s premier-to-be Li Keqiang also reportedly

ate instant noodles during his grassroots inspection tour.

Western media reviewed that both Xi and Li

emulated Western leaders to set up a new leadership image of being “close to the people."

Wen Jiabao was also known as a CCP reformist figure,

but was unable to truly advance reform during his tenure.

Therefore, any early or overly optimistic conclusion

on Xi and Li is premature, according to the news report.
