【禁聞】王岐山斗膽 敢動中共死穴?






時事評論員 林子旭:「我想主要目地,他們就想做給中國的老百姓看,習近平剛剛上位,想要樹立自己的形象,政改這張牌,習近平已經用不了了,因此他只能用反腐的言論來為自己貼金了,但是實質上是沒有任何作用了,他們也只不過就是過過嘴癮罷了。」


旅美中國社會問題研究人士張健:「它借腐敗之手去剷除異己,來讓和它發出不同聲音的人,要跟它站隊,要跟它看齊,要跟它一起去共同去繼續壓迫中國人民。這是它反腐的一個根源。 我們看到現在中國,無官不貪,沒有一個官員不腐敗,中國共產黨摧毀了中國文化,自然滋生的就是另一種邪惡,腐敗只是所有邪惡之一。」









採訪編輯/常春 後製/蕭宇

Wang Qishan Dares to Touch Communist Regime’s Achilles Heel?

On November 30, Secretary of the Central Commission

for Discipline Inspection, Wang Qishan, hosted a forum on anti-corruption issues.

In the forum, experts and scholars gave ideas and suggestions

for anti-corruption.

Corruption has been criticized as the inevitable outcome

of the Communist dictatorship.

Did Wang Qishan dare touch the Communist Achilles heel?

The following is our report.

Wang Qishan, an expert in economics and finance,

unexpectedly became the Secretary of the Central Commission

for Discipline Inspection after the 18th National Congress.

On the 30th, he held a forum on anti-corruption issues where

he stressed, “A sober understanding of the time, complexity

and difficulty of the Party is needed to build an honest

government and fight against anti-corruption."

It is widely believed that corruption has been

the Achilles heel of the Communist regime.

No one has been able to touch this issue.

Will the newly appointed Wang Qishan really dare to touch it?

Lin Zixu, political commentator, indicated the Party’s bigwigs

are exactly the ones most seriously corrupted.

The regime’s new successor, Xi Jinping, would not dare

to touch them.

Wang Qishan should have known this by heart.

Why, then, would he release such remarks?

Political commentator Lin Zixu: “I believe it’s mainly a show.

Xi Jinping, in his new post, is trying to establish his own image.

Political reform is no longer useful for Xi Jinping.

Anti-corruption is his political chip.

Even though it’s no use, they say it to fulfill

their political agenda."

China society researcher, Zhang Jian, analyzes that

anti-corruption is a tool to eliminate dissidents, rather than to serve the people.

China society researcher, Zhang Jian: “The Communists

eliminate dissidents through corruption.

It keeps everyone in one voice to oppress the people.

This is the root of the corruption.

Every official is corrupt in China nowadays.

Communism has ruined Chinese culture.

Evil is thus expanded.

Corruption is just part of the evilness."

Zhang Jian believes the one-party dictatorship

causes corruption.

When media and public security authorities are entirely pieces

of the party machine, corruption will naturally develop.

In the forum, Prof. Ma Huaide, Vice Chancellor of China

University of Political Science and Law, suggested establishing a property declaration system.

He said, “The key to the property declaration system

is openness.

Only by being open will the property declaration demonstrate

the purpose."

The Property Declaration Law was in the legislative plan

as early as 1994, but never established.

Zhang Jian: “In China, anything can be fake.

What’s the use of declaring property?

It (Communist regime) simply will not change.

Even if the property is declared due to pressure

from society, no one will believe the figures."

Why is it so hard to combat corruption?

Lin Zixu analyzes it’s because the Chinese Communists

will not give up their privileges.

He points out that no one would dare to be corrupt

with public supervision of media and a fair judicial system.

Zhang Jian also believes that the Communist regime’s

corruption issue can only be resolved when law is applicable like in Western democratic countries.

Zhang Jian: “Governing with laws will solve

China’s corruption problem. But the Party won’t do it.

That’s why a simple question becomes an arduous

and time consuming issue."

It was previously reported that Hu Jintao has said,

“Resolutely punishing and prevent corruption bears on the popular support and the life-and-death of the Party!"

Premier Wen Jiabao has called for anti-corruption

for a decade and warned that, “The greatest danger of the ruling party is corruption.

Ineffective anti-corruption will change the nature

of the regime and lead to the death of the Party and the regime."

However, the Chinese Communist official corruption continues.
