【禁聞】奧巴馬與緬甸第一類接觸 重擊中共?


【新唐人2012年11月21日訊】緬甸,數十年來都是中國的友好鄰邦,最近幾年,緬甸大刀闊斧進行政治改革,與西方互動頻繁。美國總統奧巴馬當選後的第一次外訪,選定了東南亞三國,其中包括緬甸,奧巴馬成為美國史上第一位訪問緬甸的在任總統。奧巴馬還與緬甸反對黨領袖、民主派偶像昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)舉行了會晤。有媒體認為,緬甸對西方國家開放,削弱中共影響,對中共政府是一個重擊。下面請聽專家分析。














採訪/田淨 編輯/周平 後製/鍾元

Obama’s Visit to Burma – A Heavy Blow to the CCP?

For decades Myanmar has been China’s friendly neighbor.

In recent years the country carried out drastic political

reform and is interacting frequently with the West.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s first overseas trip

after re-election included three Southeast Asian countries.

Myanmar is one of them. Obama is the first U.S. president,

to visit Myanmar during his tenure.

Obama also met with Myanmar’s opposition leader,

idol of democracy Aung San Suu Kyi.

Media stated that Myanmar’s opening to the West

weakens the Chinese Communists Party’ (CCP) impact.

Commentators see this

as a heavy blow to the CCP.

Myanmar government has been isolated by the West

due to its dictatorship.

Currently Myanmar is transitioning

from a military dictatorship to a democratic system.

Thein Sein was elected as a president in February 2011.

After he took office, he introduced a political reform.

Soon the U.S. and the European Union

relaxed sanctions against Myanmar.

Obama and the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived

in Yangon on November 19, for a six-hour visit of Myanmar.

During their meeting with Thein Sein, Obama expressed

the U.S.’ hope for Myanmar to continue promoting the political and economic reform.

Obama is considering to resume assistance projects

in Myanmar, which were stopped for years.

According to plan, the U.S. is expected to provide Myanmar

with a $170 million fund for aid.

However, U.S. expressed, the assistance effort “depends on

the Myanmar government’s progress of political reforms.”

Xing Tianxing, independent commentator: “U.S. blocked

Myanmar during the time when it was ruled by dictators.

Now the Myanmar’ government demonstrated a will

to merge into the mainstream of the world.

Especially with its attitude toward Aung San Suu Kyi,

Myanmar opens up a new window to the world.

The U.S. looks very positively on this."

After his meeting with Thein Sein, Obama met with

the Democratic Alliance of Burma’ leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Xing Tianxing thinks the Myanmar government is actively

expressing its sincerity regarding a political reform.

Xing Tianxing: “Prior to and during Obama’s visit,

the Myanmar government released many political prisoners.

The so-called political prisoners are against the government,

hence against its authoritarian system.

This action showcases its sincere desire to the outside world.

These positive approaches will bring new hope to Myanmar.”

Retired professor of Shandong University Sun Wenguang

also thinks Obama’s visit will promote democratic transition in Myanmar and will also influence people in China.

Sun Wenguang: “Of course it will be the Chinese people

who are the eventual force on China’s democracy path.

Will people wake up and fight for it?

Will the oppositions unite? This is the key!”

HK’s takungpao.com commented, “Myanmar is no longer

the country of two years ago, when it was afraid of reforms.

It’s different than even 10 years ago, when it could only

deal with China due to international community’ sanctions.

Myanmar has lifted up the ban on political party and media,

and has followed its people will to suspend China’s hydropower projects in Myanmar.

It showcased democracy, attracting praises and aid

from the West. Myanmar’s reform is not going back.

Aung San Suu Kyi and the opposition coming to power

is only a matter of time.”

Xing Tianxing: “If Aung San Suu Kyi has a greater influence

in Myanmar, or if she takes power, CCP must deal with her.

The CCP has not actively adjusted its attitude because

of its inherent hostile attitude toward democracy.

Aung San Suu Kyi’s influence in Southeast Asia

might be a positive inspiration to the Chinese people.

The CCP attitude and actions

are always negative toward democracy.”

According to The Epoch Times, CCP once supported Burma’

military government financially, and develops and uses the county’s natural resources.

Myanmar’s opening to the West weakens CCP’s influence.

Thus the current events seem like a heavy blow to the CCP.

However, some analysts believe there is political risk

for Obama to visit Myanmar.

The democratic transition of Myanmar,

although rapid, is yet fragile.

The Myanmar military still has influence in the country and

continues to battle against minorities in northern Myanmar.

The violent clashes in June 2011, between Myanmar

Buddhists and Muslims led to nearly 100 deaths.

The government was criticized for lack of measures

to ensure the safety of Muslim villagers.
