





十八大前 網絡未封反毛帖文




發洩不滿 網掀「撕八大」活動









Per Wen’s request, the CCP Investigates Wen’s Family Assets

HK’s South China Morning Post reported on Nov. 5 that

per Wen Jiabao’s request,

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) opened an internal

investigation into Wen’s family assets.

South China Morning Post quoted a source as saying

after the New York Times exposed

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s family and relatives

collection of money during his tenure,

Wen sent an official letter to the CCP Central

Committee Political Bureau,

requiring an investigation into the property

of his family and relatives.

Accordingly, the CCP leadership has agreed to Wen’s request.

It is expected that one of the focuses of the investigation will

be the Wen family’s stock ownership of Ping An Insurance.

However, it is unclear when the outcome will be announced.

Anti-Mao Zedong Articles Not Blocked on the Internet

before the CCP’s 18th Congress

With a serious Internet blockade taking place

before the CCP’s 18th National Congress,

the news about four young men tearing up a Mao Zedong

portrait in Zhengzhou is circulating widely on the Internet,

and has triggered lively discussion among netizens.

It is strange that it has not been blocked.

According to BBC, on the afternoon of October 25,

Cao Xiaodong and three other young men tore up

a Mao Zedong portrait behind the Mao Zedong sculpture

on the Zijingshan Square in Zhengzhou city, Henan Province.

The pictures taken were uploaded online and quickly spread.

Sources said the four people were summoned by the police.

The report states it is worth noting that at the most

sensitive time before the 18th Congress, the postings against Mao Zedong are not being blocked.

In addition, the Mao Zedong Thought was not mentioned

at the CCP’s Seventh Plenum of the 17th Central Committee.

Netizens Launched “Tear Down 8th Congress”

to Let out Dissatisfaction

Impacted by the incident of tearing up the Mao Zedong portrait

and the discussions about getting rid of Mao Zedong’s influence,

netizens launched the “Tearing up the Eighth Congress” activity,

a homonym of the 18th Congress, to express dissatisfaction.

Currently, there are many pictures circulating online

regarding “Tearing up the Eighth Congress.”

It was started by a netizen who posted a picture of

tearing up a photo of the standing committee members of the CCP’s 9th Congress,

followed by netizens posting pictures of

tearing up portraits of dictators around the world.

Many netizens who participate expressed that

when they cannot express their thoughts, they have to resort to action to protest against authorities.

According to Radio Free Asia, Fujian netizen You Minglei,

who participated in “Tearing up the Eighth Congress” activity,

was recently dismissed from his work for refusing to project

the slogan “Welcome, 18th Congress” on the wall outside his work unit.

You Minglei expressed that he has always been against the CCP

and does not like the kind of congress that spends people’s money.

Hu Jia Calls upon the U.S. to Pay Attention to Live Organ Harvesting

During his recent interview with The Epoch Times, Nobel

Peace Prize nominee and human rights activist, Hu Jia,

called on the U.S. government to pay attention to China’s

human rights issues,

and in particular the recent exposure of live organ harvesting

crimes, which he described as being beyond the tolerance of mankind.

The Epoch Times quoted Hu Jia’s statement, “live organ

harvesting, because it indeed goes beyond the limits of human rationality and emotion, is equivalent to the devil’s deeds.”

The report states that Hu Jia called upon the U.S.,

as a superpower supporting human rights,

to pay attention to issues such as live organ harvesting

during the election, and work together to stop the crime.

He also called upon CCP high-level officials

with inside information to quickly publish the evidence

and stop this crime against humanity,

or else they are equivalent to accomplices of the crime.
