





十七屆七中全會結束 「去毛」成定局



低保被貪 自殺性開砲死傷多人

11月4號上午10點多,河南省唐河縣人民路「鴻禧鞋城」門前,發生一起殘疾人開砲自殺事件。一名坐在輪椅上的男子持自製鋼管大砲,在鬧市向路人開砲,最後將砲口對準自己自殺。殘疾人的身體被炸成兩段當場死亡。爆炸還造成附近9名群眾受傷。據《南國週刊》在新浪微博披露,事件的起因是,殘疾人十年拿不到低保。 週刊還表示,中共的官員沒人性,連殘疾人的低保都貪污,其實大砲應該對準當地民政府局。

十八大前 維權警察遭關押

據《維權網》報導,中國各地蒙冤維權的警察,將近百人趁十八大召開時機,進京上訪,卻被北京警方關押。 11月3號,湖北警察江富友被截訪,押回原藉後,關押在湖北省襄樊市的黑監獄,當地政府僱用黑社會人員將他打成重傷。




CCP’s Absurd Methods for Maintaining Stability

Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) 18th congress is starting

in a few days, which makes the CCP authorities nervous.

Thus, they continue to introduce more absurd stability’

methods, often becoming a laughing stock to people.

Civil affairs department of Mentougou District in Beijing

made a strange announcement on November 2.

It said, a Maintaining Society Stability Group is created

in funeral parlor to achieve the goal of “No accident.”

This announcement provoked people’s ridicules

on Weibos (microblogs.)

Netizen commented, they must be afraid

of ghosts’ troublemaking.

Another wrote, this is so very humorous and creative

for a funeral parlor to welcome the 18th CCP’ congress.

Other netizen made references to a leadership cruise,

saying, “Cruise ship suspended.”

He meant the first meeting on a boat on Jiaxing South Lake

in Zhejiang Province 90 years ago, and scoffed, my success can’t be copied by you.

Another netizen commented, “History taught us that

the result is disastrous if the gathering happens on a boat.”

CCP Eliminating Maoism?

The four-day 7th Plenum of the 17th CCP Central Committee

had just ended.

Xinhua published a communiqué which strangely didn’t

mention Marxism-Leninism nor Mao Zedong Thought.

The outside world sees in this

a sign of “eliminating Maoism.”

An analyst said, Bo Xilai got a lot of support from Mao’s

leftists for his 『sing red – strike black’ campaign.

Mao’s leftists took advantage of the Diaoyu Islands dispute

to put pressure on Zhongnanhai, to voice grievances for Bo, and to attempt restoring the Cultural Revolution.

Ignoring Maoism this time can be seen

as a fatal blow to Mao’s leftists and Bo.

Disabled Man’ Shooting for Embezzling His Pension

A handicapped man opened a fire at people on the street

with a homemade steel pipe cannon.

The incident happened in front of a shoe store in Hetang,

Henan Province, at around 10 am on November 4.

He shot himself too and died on the spot. From the shooting

his body was split in two, and 9 people were injured.

Nanguo Weekly revealed on a weibo

the cause of the incident.

The handicapped man couldn’t get his minimal pension

for 10 years as the CCP officials pocketed the money.

It seems the cannon was targeting

the local government bureau.

Rights Advocates Arrested Before 18th Congress

According to Chinese Human Rights Defenders, rights’

advocates from all over China came to Beijing to appeal, but got arrested before 18th CCP’ congress.

Jiang Fuyou from Hubei Province was escorted back and put

in detention in a black jail in Xiangfan City on November 3.

He was seriously wounded after beating

by the Triad’ members, hired by the local government.

Rights’ advocate Zhao Hongyan, also detained in a black jail

in Shenyang City, has been on a hunger strike for 3 days.

Rights’ advocate Tian Lan from Hebei Province was forced

back by the police in Handan City on October 24.

He lost contact with the outside world on 29th.

There has been no news about him since.
