【禁聞】不懼恐嚇 「700手印」追隨者增多















採訪/田淨 編輯/尚燕 後製/君卓


Fearing no threat, more thumbprint petition followers

International concern grows as a petition letter to rescue

Falun Gong practitioners from Hebei was sent to the US Congress.

The letter, endorsed by over 700 villagers from Zhengding

County who used thumbprints as signatures, was delivered by overseas Falun Gong practitioners.

Since then, villagers have met with intimidation from

the Politics and Law Committee of Hebei Province.

However, for months, locals have continued their activities

to rescue their detained Falun Gong friends.

Following the 700 thumbprints plea letter, locals of Zhengding

County, Hebei, have continued their solidarity with Falun Gong.

A second letter with 306 thumbprints and

a third with 903 thumbprints were made.

Recently, a fourth with 1108 thumbprints seeking the release

of illegally detained Falun Gong practitioner, Li Lankui, was also composed.

China Peace and Democracy Federation president and

political critic, Tang Boqiao: “This is an awakening process.

With more and more exposure of the CCP crimes and the

innocence of Falun Gong, more people will show their support.

This is just a beginning, like the ancient saying,

『All things start with difficulty.』"

Villagers who endorsed the petition letter with their signatures

or thumbprints are facing intimidation from officials.

On July 25, overseas Falun Gong practitioners formally

submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives

Foreign Affairs Committee a copy of the petition letter

endorsed with the thumbprints of 700 villagers.

The regime police also began large-scale repression

in the village at the same time.

Minghui.org reported that since the 700 thumbprint

endorsed letter was sent to the US Congress,

senior officials of the Politics and Law Committee of

Hebei Province set up station locally.

In pairs, they questioned villagers door-to-door and

threatened those who endorsed the letter.

Since late July, the 610 office and police, from the local

to the national level, have conducted a massive arrest.

16 Falun Gong practitioners and their families

were detained.

Falun Gong practitioner, Yang Yinchiao,

was forced to jump off a building to her death.

The abducted were covered with a black hood and

held at a secret location in the First Detention Center

of Shijiazhuang City while they were subjected to

torture in an effort to extract confessions.

Located in the yard of the detention center

is an organ transplant research center.

Under such harsh repression from officials, the second, third,

and even fourth petition letter endorsed with an increasing amount of thumbprints were composed.

Mr. Cao from Hebei: “I sympathize with Falun Gong.

People have slowly awakened.

People are no longer willing to tolerate high-pressure

intimidation. They revolt.

The oppressive rule of the CCP is coming to an end."

Tang Boqiao: “I think there are two factors.

One is the people』s consciences awaken

when they learn more and more of the facts,

and the other is their fear decreases because

the CCP regime is going to be a thing of the past.

These two factors lead more people to dare

to stand up and speak out for Falun Gong."

In the past two years, the CCP central has been shocked

by the petition letters endorsed with thumbprints.

Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang, the bloody hands gang,

are even more in fear for their crimes related to the persecution of Falun Gong.

Tang Boqiao: “The Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance

insisted upon by Falun Gong practitioners are the opposite of the evil, violence, and lies that rule the CCP.

Falun Gong practitioners are like a magic mirror

that reflects the evilness of the CCP.

That is the fundamental reason

why the CCP persecutes Falun Gong."

Tang Boqiao also indicates that not all party members

are bad guys.

However, the CCP system is like a meat grinder,

in which people act involuntarily.

Tang Boqiao: “Take the Ningbo rights defending activity

as an example.

Those police involved in the riot are not all necessarily bad.

But, the regime ordered the beating,

and they have to act accordingly."

It is understood that the three Falun Gong practitioners

have been illegally sent to labor camp, and three people were illegally arrested from Zhengding County.

Amnesty International issued an appealing document

on October 22 to call for rescue of the 6 people who were illegally sentenced and arrested.
