【禁聞】「幸福」列18省施政目標 評:不要臉




《現代漢語詞典》解釋,「幸福」的含義是:使人心情舒暢的境遇和生活;稱心如意。 而《BBC》引述古岸的文章說,在民主法制國家,「公民」手中的選票就是回答「幸福」與否的最佳答案。


大陸人士戴女士:「我認為真正的老百姓的幸福體現在人權,言論,信仰,這是最大的幸福,現在,在中國,這樣的社會你根本就談不上。老百姓有話你無處說,有冤無處伸。 因為現在中國社會是一個獨裁的專制的統治,建立在欺壓百姓,巧取豪奪為私為己的利益上。 這樣一個體制社會他能給老百姓解決甚麼問題呢﹖」

近年來隨著中共腐敗惡化,社會道德全面淪喪,詐騙色情、黑社會亂象橫生,人人自危,缺乏安全感,人心變得冷漠無情。 去年10月13號,廣東佛山市一名2歲女童被車撞倒後,再被另一輛車碾過,整個過程共有18人路過,卻沒有人出手相救。事件曝光後引發社會震驚。




新疆維權人士胡軍:「到寧波去問問那些老百姓你幸福嗎?看什邡,看大連,哪一個城市都是警察揮舞著大棒,我們再看看西藏那些人自焚的時候,《中央電視臺》拿話筒問問他們,你們幸福嗎? 人的道德消失是有底線的,中共它沒有底線,它們的信仰就是撒謊,欺騙暴力,這就是他們的信仰,我們還能跟這些人說甚麼呢?」


北京時政觀察人士華頗:「你看北京召開十八大為甚麼這樣如臨大敵,軍警密佈,如果人民都幸福,就天下太平了,何至於如此呀? 不要在這裡粉飾太平!所謂輝煌十年,民生現在越來越艱難,經濟越來越貧困,中國處在一個革命的前夜,中國現在坐在一個火藥桶上,隨時隨地都有崩潰的可能。」


採訪/田淨 編輯/許旻 後製/鍾元

“Are you happy?" Ridiculed in China

The broadcast of CCTV’s program “Are you happy?"

triggered another round of online jokes by Chinese netizens.

“My last name is Zeng” and “My hearing is not good,”

were rated as the most ridiculous answers.

People use this program as a joke.

Not the government, is seems.

The word “happiness" was included in China’s official

documents and is a high-profile goal of the government.

People say, this are Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)

tricks to deceive the public before its 18th Congress.

Others comment that people will be happy

only after the CCP collapses.

It is reported that at least 18 provinces,

explicitly put forward the concept of “happiness."

More than 100 cities have proposed

to build “happy cities."

A professor of the Hubei Provincial CCP Party School said,

making slogans on happiness has become a government agencies’ trend – “happiness" have formed a consensus.

Modern Chinese Dictionary explains “happiness” as situation

and life that people feel comfortable with; things are according to one’s will.

BBC quotes Gu An’s article that in a democratic state of law,

citizens’ right to vote is the best answer to “happiness.”

In China where there is no right to vote, how do people see

the goal of happiness raised by the government?

Ms Dai from China: “Real happiness lies in human rights:

freedom of expression and belief – the greatest happiness.

In China we do not have any of these.

People have no channel to seek justice.

China has an authoritarian regime.

Officials oppress people and grab wealth from people.

How can this government solve any problems for people?”

Along with the corruption and deterioration of the CCP,

social and moral values completely degenerated in China.

There is no sense of security in a society full of lies, fraud,

lust, pornography and underground crimes.

Many people remember the incident with the 2-year-old girl,

in Guangdong’ Foshan City on October 13, 2011.

She was hit by a car, run over by another car, and 18 people

passed by during the entire process, but nobody helped.

This incident caused shock among people in the society,

both in China and abroad.

Ms Dai: “Real happiness lies in the care among people.

I think people are numb.

There is no happiness in the CCP controlled society. China’s

5,000 years of traditional morality is at its’ lowest ever.”

On August 19, CCTV published ‘Happiness Cities’ rating,

with Lhasa, Taiyuan and Hefei being the top three.

Xi Jiang human rights activist Hu Jun finds the authorities’

mention of ‘happiness’ ironic,

considering the frequent occurrences of forced demolitions,

self-immolations and mass protests in the society.

Hu Jun: “Go to Ningbo and ask the people if they are happy.

The policemen wave big sticks in every city.

Look at those who did self-immolation in Tibet.

CCTV can ask them if they are happy.

The CCP does not have a base line of morality.

It believes in lies and violence. What can I say to them?”

Regarding CCP’s policies of “happiness,” Beijing political

observer Hua Po thinks this are CCP’s façade’ tricks and people have completely lost hope in them.”

Hua Po: “Why is Beijing on guard before the 18th Congress?

Military and police are placed everywhere.

If it was a happy society, why does it need all these?

Do not do window dressing!

The so-called 10 glory years

have led to increasingly difficult livelihood for people.

The economy is at its worse. China is

in the eve of a revolution.

China is now sitting on a powder keg,

and can explode at any time.”

What can really make the Chinese people happy?

The disintegration of the CCP, Hu Jun says.

He emphasized that the very existence of this evil regime

is the greatest disaster to China, the world and humankind.
