【禁聞】中共發白皮書 學者質疑黨領導


【新唐人2012年10月10日訊】中共發白皮書 學者質疑黨領導







報福建高官名錶門 雲南報紙遭銷毀





Scholars Questioned The Leadership of The CCP after The White Paper Issued

On October 9, the Chinese State Council Information

Office published “China’s Judicial Reform” also known as the White Paper, claiming that

this initiative is to show China’s commitment to

the national policy and promotion of the basic rule of law.

Commentators pointed out that China’s problem stems from

a legal system that has no independence.

Voice of America quoted Beijing political scholar

and commentator Liu Junning, who said,

“the key issue is the lack of independence of

the judiciary and legal.

The Chinese judicial branch accepts the guidance

of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),

especially the guidance of the Politics and Law Committee,

but also the discipline inspection and participation.

There should be no relationship

between the party and the judiciary.

Liu Junning believes that if the judicial reform cannot solve

these problems, there will be no substantive changes in China’s judiciary.

Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao told Voice

of America, “In China everyone obeys the leadership of the Party, no matter what.

Under this principle, nothing has real significance

including democracy, freedom and culture.

Frozen Strawberries From China Poison Thousands of People in Germany

The German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection

Department announced on October 8 that

frozen strawberries from China caused the food poisoning

of thousands in eastern Germany, as reported by Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

Robert- Koch Institute in Germany found norovirus in

a bag of suspected strawberries.

After the announcement, the media and all walks of life showed

intense reactions, including the Chinese food expert Hu Heng.

“Deutsche Welle quoted Wu Heng’s remarks, “In China,

shoddy products are sold to the Chinese people.

But the best (products are) exported to other countries.

Now what sold to Germany is bad, then what sold

to the Chinese people may be far worse.

Yunnan Newspapers Destroyed After Reporting Senior Official’s “Watch Gate”

On October 9, hundreds of thousands of copies of the City

Times were destroyed in Yunan Province under official pressure.

Radio France Internationale reported that the original plan was

to publish an article regarding the arrival of the Director

of Fujian Provincial Transportation Department Li Dejin,

who wore a 50,000 RMB Rado diamond watch and a 15,000 RMB Hermes belt.

Under pressure from senior officials in Fujian Province,

Yunnan Propaganda Department halted this story

and frantically deleted posts on the network

at the same time.

Deng Fei of mainland media commented that the inter-provincial

reported event brought embarrassment to the Chinese media.

Hundreds of thousands of Yunnan City Times were destroyed

for exposing of Fujian Transportation Director wearing an expensive watch and belt.

It shocked the entire nation and brought grief

to all media people.

The Chinese media has been castrated for years.

He said, “This is a pure shame!”
