












採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/王明宇

Bureau Official Claims,"I am the Scoundrel."

Shocking words from CCP officials are endless

these years in China.

Recently, a post with a video clipping

became popular on the Internet.

Intellectual Property Center of Ministry of Science

and Technology Director Yang Lincun was shown howling

in the video, “I am the scoundrel, I fear none.

I don’t care if you publish it on the Internet."

Many Chinese commented that the Chinese Communist Party

in China was started by “scoundrels’and “scoundrels are the ancestors of the CCP."

The following is our report.

In the video, a gray-haired man who is sitting opposite of

visitors discussing intellectual property rights says that

a victim was jailed due to a mistake of Forensic Expertise

that the Intellectual Property Center made.

However, a quarrel breaks out shortly

after the two started discussion.

Consequently, the gray-haired man spills shocking words.

“When I was a scoundrel, you weren’t even born yet!"

“I am a gangster.

If you are also one let me tell you something about the gangs."

The netizen ‘9011ls’alleges that the gray-haired man

is Yang Lincun, the director of an intellectual property center.

Hua Po, a current affairs observer in Beijing, indicates that

scoundrels may typically refer to people who violate social order.

What people don’t know is that behaviors of political

scoundrels have always existed in the Chinese Communist Party.

Current affairs observer in Beijing, Hua Po: “Scoundrel

behavior is often seen at the top level of the CCP.

For example, Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution

to overthrow his political opponents.

That was an abnormal political struggle using the methods

of scoundrels, I won’t elaborate on the of scoundrel methods.

Since it’s a common behavior of the high-level officials,

of course the subordinates will just follow."

It was written in the book, “Found Genealogy:

the Rogue ancestors of the Communist Party," that

during the Cultural Revolution, the Communist Party

has seriously discussed the “hooligan problem."

The public order discussion was especially intense.

It was concluded that “Rogues are the ancestors

of the Communist Party!" and " The Communist Party relied on scoundrels to get its start."

The online video came with a post written by Jiang Honghai,

which reveals that the Intellectual Property Center where

Yang Lincun is employed hires people with

no forensic qualifications to issue forensic reports.

Hua Po: “The laws were made by the Communist Party

and they should obey, but refuse to.

Any constraints on them hinder them from profiting.

They are like the Mafia, not obeying the rule in order to get

what they want by all means.

The CCP always more or less, overtly or covertly,

achieves its purpose by means of a Mafia."

Once Yang Lincun’s shocking words were exposed,

many comments flooded the Internet that day.

Netizen Duan Lang wrote, “No wonder many officials

violate laws. They turn the government into the playground of the gangsters."

Netizen Chic Car LaoGuo commented, “It’s never odd

for a rogue regime to produce rogues since ancient times."

Netizen Eternal Howl stated,

“Our government is the triad for sure."

Netizen Abinge Cyclist wrote, “The rogue rules the country!

The fig leaf is not needed."

Another netizen Fusin Li Yonghua wrote,"He admitted it.

It’s equivalent to admit the essence of a whole group."
