【禁聞】「幫我快退黨」 民眾急與中共決裂


















採訪/朱智善 編輯/宋風 後製/周天

“Help Me Quit the Communist Party Fast!” Citizens eager

to break with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Whether inside or outside of China, many Mainlanders

are eager to quit the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).

Since the Nine Commentaries was published by the Epoch Times

at the end of 2004, more than 100 million people have

announced the “Three Quits”: Quit the Party,

Quit the Youth League, Quit the Young Pioneers.

A Mainland Falun Gong practitioner said more than

twenty people wanted to participate in

the “Three Quits” after the truth of Falun Gong practitioners’

persecution was exposed.

Amongst them, there were a middle aged

garbage collector and a retired professor.

A retired female professor says her whole family is afraid

of the CCP.

She let a Falun Gong practitioner quit her party membership

as well as asking her spouse, son and daughter to quit.

A factory worker also told a Falun Gong practitioner after

quitting the party, everything was going well for one of his friends,

and he has been waiting for a long time to find

a practitioner to help him quit.

The worker also asked for the “Nine Commentaries” DVD and

wants to pass it on to relatives and friends.

These cases happen outside of Mainland China as well.

“Three Quits” volunteer Li Jing in Indonesia says, now

Chinese people understand the truth about the CCP.

As soon as someone talks to them about it, they express

their desire to quit.

Some people even call out “Falun Dafa is

Good! Overthrow the Communist Party!”

Li Jing says: “One day, I was telling twenty or

so people the truth.

When I talked to them, two of them were able to break

through the internet firewall.

He said everything the “Three Quits” volunteers say is true,

I saw it on Chinese Epoch Times website.

Then they all said, let’s quit, and they all quit.

Yesterday I was at another tourist site with another practitioner,

and more than a dozen people quit within twenty minutes.”

Ms. Zhao, another “Three Quits” volunteer says more and

more truth is exposed,

especially once people know about CCP’s

live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,

they feel it has crossed the bottom line of human morality.

They did not want to be a part of the CCP any more.

Ms. Zhao: “Now a lot of people, especially high level

officials who understand the truth are all quitting.

They also said about 99% of Communist members do not

believe in Communism any more.

Is it not just for that little bit of money?!

Now there is a safe way to quit, and they are all willing to.

Every time after they quit, they are very thankful

to the volunteers for helping them.”

Falun Dafa has received thousands of awards since it was

taught to the world by Mr. Li Hongzhi in 1992. Currently,

more than a hundred million people practice this cultivation


But in July of 1999, former chairman of

the CCP disregarded the constitution,

manipulated and controlled the national machines and

social resources and started a reign of fear nationally.

Carrying out the principles of “defame their reputation,

bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically”.

Millions of Falun Gong practitioners were detained illegally,

sent to labor camps, received jail sentences, tortured and

even harvested for their organs while still alive.

In the past thirteen years, Falun Gong practitioners inside

and outside of China have been telling people the truth about Falun Gong peacefully,

calling everyone to help stop the suppression

and persecution.

In November 2004, Chinese Epoch Times published a

special edition of “Nine Commentaries”,

and from then on, the wave of “Quit Communist Part”

movement has not ceased.

Global Quit CCP Center Person in Charge, Yi Rong:

“Passing on “Nine Commentaries” helps people enlighten.

In addition to CCP’s internal conflict, the increasingly clear

power struggle, their corruption is already exposed in front of the whole world.

This exposure further reinforces peoples’ belief

that the CCP is about to collapse.

So people participate in the “Three Quits” even more


Yi Rong calls for those CCP officials who want to leave

themselves a way out to hurry up and quit the party publicly,

as well as expose the crimes of the CCP as a chance to

redeem themselves.

Yi rong also points out, currently a lot of CCP officials are

fleeing China and are sending their relatives and kids overseas,

even high level officials such as Wang Lijun are

seeking help from the United States.

These signs and many others show that internally,

the CCP feels the fall of its regime is not far away.
