【禁聞】反日失控或轉向反共 中共「搞大了」






山東濟南獨立作家 鞏磊:「但是他又怕搞大了。所以有的地方遊行示威是公安來主導的,交警支隊隊長帶隊的。所以他是轉移視線的一部鬧劇。他又怕老百姓真的去遊行示威,所以濟南給中小學下通知,週日、週六一直在學校上課,不能出來,都關在學校裡。在一些重要的集會場所,全部用公安、用特警來戒嚴。」







《長城抗戰網》主編 賈元良:「現在世界的目光都在注視中國,中國在保衛釣魚島當中的行為和作用,同時影響到中國的形象。我提倡文明愛國,文明保釣,從我做起,捍衛主權。」


採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/王明宇

CCP Directs Anti-Japan Protests

Saturday, anti-Japan protests broke out in dozens

of cities throughout China

against Japan’s purchase of the

Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands).

Burning Japan flags and throwing rocks often

accompanied demonstrators’ emotions.

It was estimated tens of thousands of people participated

in the activities.

It was considered the largest demonstration in 40 years

since China and Japan formed diplomatic relations.

Commentator believes this is a farce directed by the CCP

to shift domestic focus.

Netizens also call for civilized patriotism and demonstration.

According to Taiwan’s Central News Agency, anti-Japan

demonstrations took place in more than 50 cities in China this past Saturday.

About 10,000 young people chanted slogans in front

of the Japanese Embassy in Beijing.

People climbed the tree in front of the embassy and

burned the Japan flag.

To prevent the demonstrators from storming into the embassy,

the Beijing authorities mobilized more than 1,000 armed police.

Severe physical confrontations that broke out between

the protesters and the armed police got out of control.

Demonstrators who broke into Japanese businesses

and damaged Japanese goods were reported.

Some Japanese-owned department stores and

supermarkets consequently shut down.

Gong Lei, a writer native to Jinan, Shandong, points out

there were 300 demonstrators, but more than 800 police, at an anti-Japan protest not long ago.

He believes the anti-Japan demonstration this past Saturday

was also one of the farces directed by the Communist regime.

It is meant to distract the public from their dissatisfaction

with the regime.

Gong Lei, independent writer in Jinan, Shandong:

“It (CCP) is afraid to lose control.

That demonstration was led by the traffic police.

It was a farce to distract people’s attention.

To prevent the public from engaging in the protest, middle

schools and elementary schools in Jinan were ordered to open on both Saturday and Sunday.

All students were restricted to the classroom.

Main public gathering places were under martial law

and controlled by the police."

Gong Lei says that majority of people don’t care about

the Diaoyu Islands.

They are filled with anger with the widespread corruption,

inequality, totalitarian, and restriction of freedom.

Gong Lei: “Most people don’t care. People are aware that

human rights are more significant than the sovereignty.

What’s the point to defend the country if the country treats

the people badly? Their lives are miserable.

The government is not good to its own people.

Why would they risk their lives for the government?

The regime is manipulating the people to secure

its power in the name of patriotism.

People now are aware of it and won’t be fooled any longer."

Gong Lei indicates many slogans and banners have changed

from “Defend the Diaoyu Islands” to “Useless government,” or “Eliminate corruption.”

The regime is tightening control.

Gong Lei: “It (CCP) is afraid that out-of-control masses

will affect its ruling.

In the past, people supported the CCP and the regime.

Now, the demonstrations could easily shift focus towards the authorities.

It would become a threat and thus frighten the regime."

The demonstration in Changsha, Hunan Province Saturday

got out of control.

It was reported online that demonstrators overthrew a Japanese

car, looted a Japanese department store, and set fires in the street.

Netizens posted photos online depicting the Japanese

department store, “Pinghetang," smashed, burned, and looted.

The anti-Japan demonstration became a violent robbery.

The editor-in-chief of the CCKZ website, Jia Yuanliang,

opposes the looting and damaging activities.

He believes all behaviors such as patriotic act or defending

Diaoyu Islands should be conducted with civilization and rule of law.

Editor in chief of CCKZ, Jia Yuanliang:

“The world is watching China.

How China defends the Diaoyu Islands affects China’s image.

I suggest civilized patriotism and protest to defend sovereignty."

The New York Times reported on September 15,

“Because any public gatherings are tightly controlled in China,

it seemed likely that at least one faction in the government

approved of Saturday’s protests.”

“The ratcheting up of tensions with Japan is partly a result

of” the rifts in the CCP and internal power struggle.

“Japan’s actions have played a role in stoking Chinese anger;”

“But some analysts say that the bellicose response by China,

including the decision to send six surveillance vessels to the

waters around the islands, were intended to increase tensions.”
