【禁聞】職工怒火燒領導 適逢楊佳忌日時













採訪/陳漢 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Angry Workers Burn Supervisors to Death on Yang Jia’s birthday

Shi Yanfei, a retired worker from the Shaoyang City Water

Company burned three supervisors to death due to suspicion

that they illegally arranging families members jobs and

caused her child to lose his work opportunity.

Some critics point out that ordinary people have become

so desperate that they choose this path to show their strong protest.

Due to the fact that the judicial system has failed the people,

people no longer trust the authorities.

On Aug. 27, the Shaoyang City water company

party officials held an internal meeting.

Shi Yanfei, a retired worker, broke into the

meeting room with a gasoline bottle.

She poured gasoline and then ignited it.

Three people died and four were injured.

It is understood that Shi Yanfei was unhappy

about her second child not being hired by the company.

She suspected that the supervisors illegally made such

an arrangement, and thus, it would result in unfair employment opportunities.

In actuality, in China’s state-owned monopoly industries,

secret operations are widespread.

The unspoken rule is the main problem for recruitment.

Mainland lawyer Li Tiantian says ordinary people

will give up their lives only out of desperation.

Li Tiantian: “That ordinary people assassinate or

kill government officials is an act of justice.

Because of the injustice in the society and in the government,

people have no choice but follow their own laws."

The Internet writer Jing Chu believes that many petitions

have turned into a large number of injustice cases.

In Beijing, petitioners are easily caught and then thrown

into a jail.

When justice is not served, people choose their own way.

Jing Chu: “In the past, when people had grievances,

they petitioned or went to the local government.

Now they do not petition and local government

will not reflect upon their complaints.

When they have no place to air their grievances, they kill.

I think that is a manifestation of a total distrust of authorities.”

October 5, 2007, Yang Jia was a suspect of bicycle theft.

At the Shanghai police station, he encountered violence.

Thus, he broke into the Public Security Bureau and

killed six people.

He used the most primitive way to defend his dignity.

On August 27, Yang Jia would have turned 32 years old.

In the eyes of netizens, Yang Jia was an “uprising hero”

who will be remembered forever.

Hu Jun, founder of Rights movement: “By conventional rules,

the society will show sympathy towards the victims.

However, now we can see that society has turned upside down.

Hu Jia killed policemen and became a common people’s hero.

We have not seen any police coming out to claim

that was not fair because they know that they deserved it.

They know what they did, and they did not dare to complain."

On the evening of Aug. 27, Liu Xiaoyuan, a human rights

lawyer, posted about Yang Jia on his microblog.

In less than 4 hours, his message had been forwarded more

than 7,000 times and drew more than 2,000 comments.

Netizens said, “Yang Jia, you did not die in vain.

It has been a few years,

and they (the CCP) are so scared now- they have to

use armed vehicles for protection when holding a meeting.”

Another netizen said, “Pay tribute to the heroes who dare

to resist the CCP tyranny.

It is so difficult for people to stay alive in this world;

it is even harder to stay alive in China.

However, it is better rising up instead of living inhumanly.”
