【禁聞】報導北京水災 《經濟觀察報》被查封


【新唐人2012年8月7日訊】報導北京水災 《經濟觀察報》被查封





日媒:拿下薄熙來 習近平關鍵一票




傳當局瘋狂罰款 瀋陽全城罷市




Economic Observer Newspaper Closed for Reporting

Beijing Flood

The Economic Observer newspaper in Mainland China

was closed by Beijing officials on Aug 6th , for reporting

the death toll of the Beijing rainstorm. Additionally all the

Economic Observer newspapers were collected from sellers.

Radio France Internationale reported that an insider revealed

the excuse of closing the Economic Observer is because

they set up another newspaper in another city as

it belonged to “illegal publications”.

The report said that this incident was considered as

political revenge and “selective enforcement”.

last week, the Economic Observer published an investigation

into Fangshan district in Beijing which suffered severe floods.

It revealed that the local authority built property on the flood

diversion zone, blocking the water and worsening the flood.

On Aug 4th, the Economic Observer reported that three

people were missing in Fangshan district but their names were excluded from the official name list.

The report highlighted questions of the accuracy about

official’s reported death toll of 77.

Japan media: Xi Jinping is the key person to remove Bo Xilai

Gu Kailai will be on trial soon, meanwhile the charges levied

on Bo Xilai will became a concern again.

On Aug 6th, Japanese media revealed that Xi Jinping was the

key person towards Bo’s removal.

Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported that an insider

revealed a Politburo meeting was held on Feb 16th in which

high-level leaders discussed the Wang Lijun incident and

whether to pursue his boss Bo Xilai’s responsibilities.

They split into two groups: Hu Jintao,Wen Jiabao,

Li Keqiang and He Guoqiang wanted to pursue Bo;

Bo’s supporters, Wu Bangguo, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun

and Zhou Yongkang who were close to Jiang Zemin are insisting on protecting Bo.

The report said that under this circumstance, Xi Jinping

had an important vote.

Xi had just finished meeting with the US president

Obama at that time, suggesting to pursue Bo’s responsibilities.

Rumors that Chinese authorities fine crazily and entire

Shenyang City goes on Strike

On Mainland websites, it is widely spread that recently,

stores in Shenyang and surrounding cities have all shut down and went on strike.

The atmosphere is quite gloomy and

everybody is in a panicky mode.

Some complain that there are no places to even get haircuts,

fix bikes or buy vegetables or food.

According to information leaked by netizens,

the current situation was caused by crazy fines posed on store owners by authorities in Shenyang.

Local authorities casually find excuses

to fine tens of thousands of yuan.

For example, without a wood cutting license,

a toothpick vendor was fined 30,000 RMB.

A barbershop was fined 10,000 RMB for

having hair on the comb.

A vendor who selling buns was fined

tens of thousands for not wearing a mask.

Even the old man who sells roasted corn

was fined 5,000.

There are many opinions online on

why the authorities are doing this.

Some say it is because the Ministry of Finance of

the People’s Republic of China lacks money,

hence allocating Shenyang the responsibility

to collect 100 million.

Some say it is because of the “fight counterfeiting”

work meetings.

However, the real story is yet to be confirmed.
