【禁聞】中國奧運選手 以金牌論英雄













採訪/田淨 編輯/黃億美 後製/郭敬

Gold Medals Define Heroism for China’s Olympians

In the London Olympic Men’s Weightlifting 56kg competition,

the Korean Yan Runzhe won the gold medal

with a total score of 293 kilograms,

and the Chinese Wu Jingbiao took silver

with a total score of 289kg.

Both hail from communist countries, and both acceptance

speeches mentioned the leadership of their respective nations,

the former thanking his homeland and the latter expressing

shame for letting his motherland down.

Some analysts believe that gold medals and silver medals

are simply awards for placing in a competition.

However, under long-term media rendering,

a gold medal has turned into a symbol of patriotism.

At the London Olympic Games, there were high hopes for China’s

Wu Jingbiao to win the men’s weightlifting 56 kg competition.

However, he placed second with a total score of 289 kg.

The media described his inability to cope as “painfully sitting

on the ground," “weeping," and “bowing to apologize.”

Chinese freelance writer Liu Yiming: “Chinese media is state-run.

In practical terms, the Chinese media are not real news media,

as they lack some of the basic professional ethics of

the news media.

It is most appropriate to call them, 『the party’s mouthpiece.』

So, I say, they will find ways to cater to the ruling group

and to report something pleasing to the officials."

In the women’s 53 kg competition,

Zhou Jun has also become the focus of discussion.

She was disqualified after three failed attempts and ended with

a score of zero, which is the worst performance of the Chinese women weightlifting.

Media described her as a “disgrace.”

The defeated Zhou Jun shed many sad tears.

Fang Zheng of June 4 Massacre: “Many of the domestic media

spread patriotic spirit through the Olympic Games to highlight the so-called national strength and national image.

It waters down individual performance and personal value.

This is a serious problem in China, and it all stems from

the system.”

Fang Zheng, a graduate from the Beijing Institute of

Physical Education: “This has to do with the political system.

The training mechanism is to instill in athletes the belief

that they belong to the state, in other words, they are China’s face-saving tools.”

Fang Zheng: “Since China entered the Olympic Games,

the emphasis is gold medals, and gold medals come first.

Any athlete who fails to achieve a proper score is filled

with deep sorrow as if the sky had fallen down.

Such a distorted system is a sacrilege to the Olympic Games.”

According to reports, Zhou Jun’s score of zero also reflects

issues in the selection mechanism in China’s weightlifting,

balance between provinces and cities, compensation for

athletes’ care and many other deep-seeded problems.

The pros and cons about the Olympic gold medals in London

brought on heated discussions among Internet users.

One says that he understands the huge cost for the government

to support organizations and so many professional athletes,

but when a nation cannot “support its old or heal its sick people,”

no amount of gold medals can prove that it is not the weak, sick man from Asia.

On another microblog, one netizen initiated a “medal-less hero”

campaign calling on people to treat all athletes equally and not to force them to compete for gold medals.

The netizen also criticizes the system for utilizing national

resources to train athletes.

Netizen “honey tea" says, “Our country puts too much

emphasis on projects dedicated to saving face.

Another netizen says, “I have lost my interest in knowing

how many gold medals China can win.

The number of gold medals does not represent the quality

of our national sports.”
