



薛蔭嫻因為抵制使用興奮劑,1989年2月被迫離開國家體操隊,此後遭到「國家體委訓練局」的迫害,職稱一直得不到合理承認,大學學歷被偷偷篡改,工資被故意減發。 2007年,丈夫楊克同在一次體委官員的圍攻中黯然離世。

薛蔭嫻:「 除迫害我以外,因為我反對興奮劑迫害我兒子,我得了腦中風, 我丈夫也因為這個事情去世了,害了我全家,叫我家破人亡。」



薛蔭嫻向《新唐人》提供1988年中國體委把興奮劑「政策化,常規化」的日誌,其中記錄了時任「國家體委訓練局」局長李富榮在1988年5月5號召開的一次關於「 營養藥」的會議講話,李富榮提出,把激素的使用「 合法化」,並且強調:把激素改名為「特殊營養藥」,易於接受,也利於保密!




薛蔭嫻:「 因為興奮劑本身是用於病人身上的,健康人,活潑健康的,用它身體內部的平衡就打破了,把破了以後,有些項目必然要失敗的,因為打破了以後,該需要輕的時候,他變胖了,對有些項目它可能有利的。」



採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/葛雷

Former Medical Supervisor to Athletes Persecuted Due

to Resisting Doping Policy

The London Olympics are underway and doping athletes

is still a topic of concern to the world and Olympic Committee.

Former medical supervision team leader of the Chinese

Sports Commission Training Bureau, Dr. Xue Yinxian,

provided New Tang Dynasty TV(NTD) with her 1988 diary

about the Chinese Sports Bureau’s policy on routine doping.

Dr. Xue and her family have suffered from persecution

because she resisted orders to doping the athletes.

Xue Yinxian is 74 years old. She is the mother of Chinese

independent filmmaker Yang Weidong.

She graduated from the Beijing Institute of Physical

Education Department of Sports Medicine in 1963.

She has served as the doctor for the national track and

field team, basketball team, martial arts team, women’s volleyball team, and gymnastics team, respectively.

She has also served as the National Sports Commission

Training Council medical supervision leader,

the Chinese national gymnastics team medical leader,

and accompanied national sports teams to more than 50 countries.

Xue Yinxian was forced to leave the national gymnastics team

in February 1989 because she refused to dope athletes.

She then suffered persecution at the hands of the National

Education Committee and Training Council.

She could not receive a reasonable job, her university degree

was secretly tampered with, and her wages deliberately cut.

In 2007, her husband, Yang Kheton, sadly passed away under

a siege by the Sports Commission members.

Xue Yinxian: “They persecuted me.

They persecuted my son because I was against doping.

Consequently, I had a stroke and my husband died.

They persecuted my whole family and ruined my family."

Yang Weidong told NTD that his brother graduated from

Beijing Medical University in 1993.

The National Sports Commission deliberately took his brother’s

file and told his brother to work in the Sports Commission.

Within 6 six months, the file was kept in the Human Resources.

As a result, his brother could not get a job and could not get

a medical practice certificate.

Yang Weidong has accompanied his father to file a petition

for 20 years and has met with all sorts of difficulties.

Under enormous psychological pressure, his father was

underwent surgery in 2007 to remove a malignant brain tumor.

Soon after his discharge from the hospital, Sports Commission

members assigned people to besiege his father, which caused his death.

Xue Yinxian provided NTD her 1988 diary about how the

Chinese Sports Commission legalized the routine usage of doping.

On May 5, 1988, she recorded then State Sports Commission

Training Board director Li Furong’s talk in a Nutritional Medicine conference.

Li Furong instructed the legalization of hormone usage

and stressed renaming the hormone to “special nutritional medicine” for acceptance and secrecy.

The diary also contained Xue Yinxian’s conversation

with the head coach about her refusal to dope the athletes.

She explicitly explained to the coach that athletes would

gain weight but lose strength after doping.

In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the Chinese delegation

only won five gold medals, only one third of their 1984 wins.

The Chinese saw it as a great insult, and a number of

star athletes were fully blamed at the time.

In fact, Chinese athletes have not begun doping in 1984.

Xue Yinxian believes the use of doping not only violates

sports ethics, but also has great influence on the player’s body.

She said doping could cause athletes to develop liver or

brain cancer in 20 years.

A woman who dopes will grow a beard and even become

infertile after using the hormone.

Xue Yinxian: “Doping itself is for patients.

Doping a healthy person will break the internal balance

and will cause function failure.

This failure might lead to the fattening of the athletes

which might be beneficial in certain regards."

Yang Weidong told our reporter that the authorities even took

the compensation over his father’s death.

He started to reflect on the acts of the Communist Party,

and began his journey in search of the truth.

Since 2007, Yang Weidong spent all his personal resources

to making a documentary film “Signal."

Since 2009, Yang Weidong has interviewed 303 people.

His book entitled, “Record of 500 Chinese Souls”

is a collective of the interviews.

This April, on his way to the US for an academic conference,

Yang Weidong was restrained by the police at the Beijing airport.

Prior to this, Yang Weidong sent an interview invitation

to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge

and the President of the World Anti-Doping Agency Fach,

and told them his mother’s story.

It is likely that his travel was disrupted due to his intention

to expose the Communist authorities doping scandal.
