【禁聞】維權人士李桂芝 被拘捕內幕













李桂芝自從2006年上訪以來,多次遭到當局的拘捕。今年3月,李桂芝在北京呼籲「捍衛憲法,砸爛黑監獄」運動,被河北國保非法抓捕,非法關押黑監獄數十天,兩會結束後獲釋。6月26號,李桂芝特意趕到深圳,打算加入「中國百姓維權聯盟」去香港參加大遊行的隊伍。她在深圳等待簽證期間,發現國保追查她的行蹤,而離開深圳,但仍於 7月1號在廣州番禺被抓。


採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/肖顏

Inside Story of Arrest of Rights Activist Li Guizhi

Mainland rights activist Li Guizhi was arrested by authorities

in Guangdong before being able to participate in Hong Kong’s July 1 parade.

Afterwards, Li Guizhi was sent back to Hebei

and was detained inside a hotel in Baoding City.

With the help of relatives,

Li successfully escaped the hotel.

However, police are still looking for her,

and her whereabouts is a cause for concern.

Deutsche Welle’s Chinese website reported that Li Guizhi

was rescued by her nephew Wang Jianfu on July 17.

Currently, police are putting pressure

on Li’s family members for her whereabouts.

Now Wang Jianfu has been arrested by the police,

and Li’s family members are worried police will find Li again.

Mainland rights activist Mr. Li expressed that petitioners

have always been beaten to death or seriously injured.

Now, because of stability issues surrounding

the 18th Annual People’s Congress, the regime’s treatment of petitioners is even more unscrupulous.

Mr Li, Rights Activist: “With popular grievances boiling

over, and more and more petitioners petitioning, the CCP dictatorship is in an unstable condition.

Under this situation of facing the election

of the CCP leader, and in order to ‘maintain stability’

and ensure a smooth process, their oppression

towards petitioners has become unprecedented."

Shanghai petitioner Zhang Cuizhu expressed that she

does not want to petition at all, but authorities gave her no other choice but to do so.

She completely understands the difficulty of Li Guizhi’s

current situation, hoping Li can dodge the authorities hunt.

Zhang Cuizhu: “[I’m] sympathetic towards people like us.

Others don’t understand, but we understand each other.

We receive oppression from the authorities in every respect,

and they’ve even prepared Black Jails for us."

In the footage provided to NTD by person familiar

with the situation, Li exposed that police beat petitioners very violently in labor camps.

Li Guizhi: “They are beaten, injured, and disabled.

Many lose their minds in the labor camps.

I’m still not allowed to say it now I’m out.

So many people are beaten.

They are really lawless."

According to Li Guizhi, her son Ren Haifeng

graduated from a Police Academy.

Ren is employed at Laishui County

Public Security Bureau, Hebei Prov.

While he was employed, Ren obtained a lot of evidence

revealing the local Public Security Bureau’s involvement with prostitution and drug trafficking.

On March 31 2006, Ren was murdered

by one of the corrupt official’s hired killer.

Less than 3 hours after his death, his body was quickly

cremated under conditions where family members were forbidden to take a look.

The police claimed Ren Haifeng died in a car accident.

All evidences were destroyed.

Afterwards, corrupt police officials forced

Ren Haifeng’s pregnant wife to have an abortion.

Li Guizhi: “I’m really very unfortunate and suffering.

I cry for my son’s ill fortune. He just got cremated like that.

Even if it’s an animal, they should

let us see it. He’s our eldest kid.

[My] daughter in law was pregnant, but xxx tried all

kinds of methods possible to abort the kid.

They didn’t even letting him leave an heir. It is such a pity.

They really do not treat us as humans."

Since 2006, Li has been arrested

by Chinese authorities multiple times.

In March of this year, Li Guizhi stood to defend

the Chinese Constitution and smash Black Jails.

She was illegally arrested by Hebei National Security,

placed in a Black Jail for more than a dozen days.

She was released after the National People’s Congress

and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress ended.

On June 26, Li Guizhi especially went to Shenzhen.

She planned to join the Chinese People Rights

Alliance’s parade to Hong Kong.

She waited for a temporary visa in Shenzhen, then realized

the National Security was following her whereabouts.

Li left Shenzhen, but was eventually

arrested at Panyu in Guangzhou.

Observers said Jiangsu practitioners Song Ningsheng and

Zeng Jiuzi, who also participated in Hong Kong’s July 1 parade,

were sentenced to one year and two months

in labor camps by the Chinese regime.
