【禁聞】京媒十八大前提「器官移植」 曝黑幕?


【新唐人2012年7月19日訊】《新京報》一篇標題為「中國每年150萬人等器官移植 兩年捐獻量僅200例」的圖片報導,近日被《新華網》、《人民網》等多家國內媒體廣泛轉載。18號,《人民網》還一度放在頭條。文章對中國器官移植和捐獻現狀的討論,再次讓器官移植背後的巨大黑幕展現在世人面前。









7月12號,在法輪功「反迫害」十三年之際,來自世界各地的法輪功學員在美國首都華盛頓國會山前舉行了「解體中共 停止迫害法輪功」大集會。集會向美國政府、美國人民乃至世界各國政府傳遞了一條極為清晰的信息就是:我們這個星球上最為邪惡的罪行——活體摘除器官的確存在。中共就是兇手。






採訪/白梅 編輯/尚燕 後製/郭敬

Beijing Media Talk about Organ Transplant prior to the 18th National Congress to Prepare to clean out the Scapegoats?

A recent article about transplants in China by the

Beijing News indicated that

there are 1.5 million patients waiting for transplant

every year and yet there were only about 200 donors in the past two years.

This report was widely adopted by many Chinese media

such as Xinhua.net, People.com, and so forth.

It also became headlines on the 18th news

report of People.com.

This article about the organ transplantation and donation

status quo in China has once again opened up the dark secrets behind Chinese organ transplants.

The Beijing News reported: There are 1.5 million patients

waiting for a transplant in China every year.

In the past two years, there were only about 200 donors.

Between 1999 and May 2012,

there were 72 donation cases in Shenzhen.

Most of them occurred after the National Organ

Donation pilot project launched in 2010.

This is a relatively pathetic figure comparing to

the 1.5 million people in China waiting for organ transplants each year.

In July 1999, former Communist Party General Secretary

Jiang Zemin ordered the persecution of Falun Gong.

Since 2006, witnesses and evidence about the communist

forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners

have continued to emerge in the international arena.

The CCP has not been able to respond with data and

“organ transplant" has been categorized as a sensitive topic.

The report from the World Organization to Investigate the

Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) indicates that

in accordance with the reported data from mainland China,

the number of transplant institutes and volume of organ

transplants have both boomed since the CCP have

initiated the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.

Take liver transplants for example,

here were a total of 100 cases before 1999.

Within four to five years after 1999, a doctor would have

conducted between several hundred to over a thousand cases of liver transplants.

This has happened in many hospitals.

The China Liver Transplant Registry recorded 9,911 cases of

liver transplants between January 1, 2005 and June 24, 2007.

It is known that the average waiting time for an organ

transplant is two to three years in any given country.

However, in China many hospitals indicate it would only take

one to two weeks to find a matching organ for a liver patient.

The WOIPFG spokesman Wang Zhiyuan comments that

these data confirmed that a huge live organ inventory

which neither donation nor the executed criminal organs

could explain does indeed exist in mainland China.

This inventory is involuntarily supported by the

persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

Wang Zhiyuan:"In the 10 years since 1999, there were an

average of 1,600 death row inmates a year in China.

With such huge transplant cases in China each year,

no data released by the CCP could ever explain the source of the organs."

However, during the phase to safeguard stability before

the 18th National Congress,

the Beijing News reported this unbalanced figure of

1.5 million and 200,

and other official mouthpiece media such as Xinhua and

People even followed up and reported it as well, the overtones of the report are suspected.

On the 12th July, Falun Gong practitioners from around the

world held a “Disintegrate the CCP, Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong"

gathering against the persecution for the past 13 years

in China at the Capitol Hill of Washington DC.

This gathering delivered a very clear message to the U.S.

government, the American people and even governments around the world.

That is the most evil crime on our planet – live organ harvesting

does exist. The Communist regime is the murderer.

Commentator Lan Su indicates that in the face of strong

international pressure and protests, the Chinese Communists are preparing to escape.

Commentator Lan Su:"During the preparation, it might

lead to the total collapse of the entire communist system,

or the high level might kick out a large group of people

as scapegoats."

Lan Su pointed out that the CCP system is the cause of

bloody debt. After kicking out the “scapegoats",

the faction takes over the political power will sooner

or later become the new bloody debt gang.

Lan Su: “As long as the CCP system exists, the regime itself

should know clearly that finding a scapegoat is never going to be the final solution."

Wang Zhiyuan indicates that the Politics and Law

Commission of the Communist regime is exactly like the evil “Gestapo" of the Nazis,

the main perpetrators behind the persecution of Falun Gong.

The Politics and Law Committee are faced with a cleaning out,

because the WOIPFG have received much evidence and

information provided by CCP officials.

He appealed to everyone to help collect names and

incriminating evidence of the persecution of Falun Gong

practitioners to trace the evil and to stop the persecution.
