【禁聞】分析:引渡谷開來情人 為薄案定調


【新唐人2012年6月21日訊】《路透社》早前曾爆出一名叫多維爾的法國建築師,也與薄家女主人谷開來「在感情與生意上的關係都很密切」。柬埔寨警方19號透露,中共要求把多維爾 (Patrick Devillers)引渡到中國。分析認為,比起被殺的英國商人海伍德,多維爾與谷開來的關係更加親密,通過他可以挖出處理薄熙來的新證據。


金邊市警察局長杜那洛(Touch Naruth)表示,柬埔寨「與中國合作」逮捕多維爾,並正在考慮將他送交中國還是法國。他還說,中方認為多維爾在中國犯了罪,要求將他遣送中國。













採訪編輯/常春 後製/黎安安

Analysts: Extraditing Gu Kailai’s lover for more evidence to convict Bo

Previously, Reuters reported that French architect Patrick

Devillers had both a close personal and business relationship with Bo Xilai’s wife, Gu Kailai,

The Cambodian police claimed that on June 19 the Chinese

Communist Party (CCP) required Devillers be sent to China.

Analysts believe that compared with the UK businessman

Heywood, Devillers has a closer relationship with Gu Kailai, therefore more evidence to convict Bo might be exposed.

According to Central News Agency, a Spokesperson of the

French Embassy in Phnom Penh told Agence France-Presse,

“We were notified by Cambodian government

that French citizen Devillers was arrested."

Touch Naruth, Chief of Phnom Penh Police, said that

Cambodia “cooperates with China" on arresting Devillers

and is deciding whether to send him to China or France.

China claims that Devillers committed crimes in China

and requires Cambodia to send Devillers to China.

According to Reuters, compared with the UK businessman

Heywood, Devillers has a closer relationship with Gu Kailai and has known her for over 10 years.

Recently, Zhang Dejiang, who replaced Bo Xilai

as Chongqing’s party chief, said at Chongqing Congress

that the Wang Lijun case, murder of Neil Heywood,

and Comrade Bo Xilai’s severe disciplinary problems

have hurt both party and nation’s image badly and

seriously affected the future development of Chongqing."

Wu Jianguo, Internet writer, said that Zhang Dejiang calling

Bo “comrade"and only mentioning his disciplinary problems

might be because the blood-debt faction has done a lot behind

the scenes to exculpate Bo from the charge of crime.

Wu Jianguo, Internet writer: “Cambodia cooperated with

China and arrested the French architect Devillers in Cambodia.

This transnational action shows that China really cares about

Devillers and would pay a high price to arrest him."

Ren Baiming, current affairs commentator, questioned why

Devillers was in Cambodia since Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai’s trouble.

If he felt any threat, he wouldn’t do that.

Ren Baiming said: “The neighboring countries such

as Cambodia are all under the control of CCP.

Therefore, they would arrest and send someone as the CCP

requires. So why was Devillers in Cambodia?

Going to Cambodia at this point is like putting himself

in great danger."

According to Mingpao (HK), Cambodia has had a close

relationship with China in recent years.

In 2009, after the “July 5 Xinjiang Incident," the Cambodian

government sent 20 Uighurs who sought refuge back to China, causing a worldwide uproar.

Ren Baiming thinks it might be a plot which made Devillers

stay in Cambodia, where action was taken.

Ren Baiming: “It is a ‘black case,’ which was manipulated

and carried out in secret without being exposed.

But I believe that after Devillers is sent to China, the facts

behind the scenes will be exposed. That must be the case."

But how much does Devillers’case have to do with Bo Xilai?

Ren Baiming: “I believe that as long as Gu Kailai is involved,

so is Bo Xilai.

They cannot be divided because Gu Kailai did many things

through Bo Xilai’s channels and connections.

So I believe that many inside stories about Bo will be exposed

through this person (Devillers), and that’s what interests Hu and Wen."

Therefore, analysts believe that Hu and Wen are collecting

more evidence to hit Bo Xilai and the blood-debt faction.

Hu and Wen are still struggling with the blood-debt faction

on how to tackle Bo, and it hasn’t come to a showdown yet.
