【禁聞】傳薄熙來涉11命案 18大將現黑馬










透露消息的這位大陸官員說,雖然薄熙來事件被黨內定性為「路線鬥爭」,但高層為了18大順利交接權力,決定把「薄熙來案」當作「刑事案件」來處理。根據目前中紀委掌握的材料,薄熙來一共涉及11宗命案,已經曝光的英國商人海伍德(Neil Heywood)命案,只是其中之一。另外10宗命案,當局將會選擇適當時機逐一曝光。







採訪/常春 編輯/李謙 後製/葛雷

Bo Xilai is alleged to be involved in 11 murders. A “Black Horse” will appear in the 18th National Congress.

Bo Xilai’s case continues to affect the Communist regime.

Recently, Chinese officials revealed that Central Committee

of CCP has defined Bo Xilai’s incident as “a struggle between political lines,” but will be dealt with as a criminal case.

Bo Xilai is suspected of a total of 11 murders.

The authorities will choose a time for announcement.

After the removal of Bo Xilai’s political line of the Cultural

Revolution, the 18th National Congress is expected to elect an “exceptional” candidate.

Overseas Chinese media reports that according to an official

who just finished training at Beijing Administrative College,

the CCP leadership defined Chongqing Party Secretary

Bo Xilai’s incident as “a struggle between political lines.”

After the Cultural Revolution political line Bo Xilai represents

is rejected, a “refreshing” team in the 18th National Congress is anticipated to present a “dark horse."

Political commentator Xing Tianxing tells New Tang Dynasty

TV that this news has likely been disclosed intentionally by the Chinese authorities.

She pointed out that Chinese President Hu Jintao has, for years,

been trying to bring up people from the Communist Youth League.

Commentator Xing Tianxing: “He (Hu Jintao) will naturally

do his utmost to bring his most trusted people to the team.

The most trusted people, or the emerging dark horse,

is likely related to Bo Xilai’s case."

Prior to this, the media has reported that Ling Jihua,

the chief of the General office of CCP Central Committee,

also commonly referred to as Hu Jintao’s housekeeper,

played a key role in taking down Bo Xilai.

Not long ago, the declining Jiang faction tried to discredit

Ling Jihua through media reports.

It is analyzed that this explains the political weight of Ling

Jihua and his potential to be elected to the Politburo Standing Committee.

Xing Tianxing says that normally only Central Committee

Members are to enter the Politburo Standing Committee,

and Ling Jihua is not currently a member of

the Central Committee.

Xing Tianxing: “But his performance in Bo’s case and his

usual role in Hu Jintao’s decision-making convinced me that Ling Jihua is likely to enter the team."

Xing Tianxing also talks about another important candidate

from the CCP Yough League, Li Yuanchao, who is currently the Central Organization Department Minister.

She believes that Li Yuanchao has played a very large role

in building the power of the Communist Yough League faction.

The possibility for Li Yuanchao to become a Politburo

Standing Committee of the 18th National Congress is also good.

The official who disclosed the information said that

even though Bo Xilai’s case was defined as a struggle between two lines within the CCP,

it will be treated as a “criminal case" for a smooth

transfer of power during the 18th National Congress.

According to evidence held by the Central Commission for

Discipline Inspection, Bo Xilai is involved in 11 murder cases.

The murder of British businessman Neil Heywood

was only one of them.

The remaining 10 murders will be made available

by the authorities at an appropriate time.

Internet writer, Wu Jienguo notes that although Hu and Wen

have taken down Bo Xilai,

that does not mean personnel arrangements

in the 18th National Congress will be smooth.

Internet writer Wu Jianguo: “The Current situation indicates

that Hu Jintao holds the power.

He may want to place his confidant in the Standing Committee.

However, the Jiang Zemin faction will not give up easily,

because they know they have committed a monstrous crime

by persecuting Falun Gong,

and they are likely to be struck down once they lose power.

They will look for opportunities to counterattack."

Wu Jianguo believes that Hu and Wen will make full use

of the evidence at hand to fight against Jiang faction.

For example, revealing Bo Xilai’s 11 murder cases

one by one is the means to combat the Jiang faction.

The mainland official also said that at Beijing Administrative College, an instructor said that

China has now “eliminated both the state and

the party with or without investigating the corruption.”

Therefore, there is only “limited anti-corruption” under

the guidance of the leadership.

Political commentator Xing Tianxing: “If this is the understanding at the CCP senior level,

its leadership team will not choose the kind of people

they do not quite trust, that is, people who will likely disintegrate the Communist Party."

Xing Tianxing stresses that the CCP leadership claims

the new team would be “refreshing."

This is in fact the Chinese Communists manipulating

public opinion to slow down the perishing of the CCP.

Xing Tianxing does not believe the death of the Party

will lead to the death of China.

Only with the elimination of the CCP will there be

hope for China.
