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大陸自由網路作家 荊楚:「由中共政府來出資,其實就是以納稅人的血汗,你看國內這麼多的人上不起學,看不起病,國內的人民生活痛苦不堪,生不如死,卻大貪納稅人之財去搞這一套東西,本身可以說它是反掠行為,反社會的行為。」




採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/肖顏

US:Teachers At Confucius Institutes Violating Visa Law

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set up Confucius

Institutes in many countries but its real purpose,

according to scholars and critics,

is to export its diplomatic propaganda.

Recently, the US Department of State sent out a policy

directive to all colleges that sponsor Confucius Institutes,

indicating that Chinese teachers at the institutes are violating

the terms of their visas.

This policy directive is believed to be an uncommon

occurance in the outside world thus far.

Chen Kai, former China National Basketball Team member,

said that the US government and citizens have taken notice

of the CCP’s political purpose of export party culture

via Confucius Institutes.

The US Department of State sent out a policy directive

to all colleges.

It says that the J-1 visa program, through which many scholars

from China come to the institutes, does not permit any

teaching in elementary and secondary schools, which some

scholars have done.

Chen Kai, former China’s national basketball team member

and anti-CCP-despotism activist, said that CCP is an illegal despotic system, in terms of visa applications.

Chen Kai: “The CCP uses whatever means without obeying

the law in any other country, not even in China. It has no legal concepts.”

Chen Kai said that this guidance from the US indicates that

the US government and people have noticed CCP’s real purpose of the Confucius Institutes.

Chen Kai: “They use illegal means to bring teachers from

China for political infiltration, and look for people who can serve, work for, or lean on them in the future.”

Basile Zimmermann, Dean of Confucius Institute in Geneva,

said before that some

Confucius Institutes are functioning as Chinese consulates,

just like local offices sent by consulates.

Chen Kai: “I know that through Confucius Institutes,

CCP is promoting to the world its political views,

namely as long as there is money, there is power, and

there is no right or wrong.

As long as there is power and weapons, they can spread evil

to the whole world.”

The policy directive also says that US colleges have all

kinds of language and cultural centers, such as the Goethe Institute and the Alliance Française.

However, these institutes are different from Confucius

Institutes, which are financially supported by governments.

Before that, International Herald Tribune, UK, published an

article commenting on the impact of CCP’s Confucius Institutes.

It said that some critics have concerns that the overseas

Confucius Institutes might also export China’s censorship.

The article also cites the US as an example, stating that

the CCP brings not only enough money for the institutes, but also trained teachers and deans.

China’s Internet writer, Jing Chu, said, “The money from

the CCP is actually from taxpayers.

So many Chinese people cannot afford education, medicine,

and live in a miserable situation.

But CCP is using taxpayers’ money to promote such things.

It is actually depredation and anti-society.”

CCP forbids any discussion regarding the Dalai Lama, the

Tibetan spiritual leader, and forbids the Dalai Lama from visiting.

Also, discussion about Tibet, Taiwan issues, China’s rising

military strength, and faction struggles within the party is forbidden.

Jing Chu: “(CCP’s) only purpose is to export and promote

party culture in the name of Confucius.

The corrupt party culture has already brainwashed many.”

State Department said any school teachers on the college level

currently holding the J-1 visa will be allowed to complete the academic year, but no extensions will be granted.

They will have to return to China, where they can apply for

another visa under the appropriate category.
