【禁聞】汪洋推自治 分析:離民主憲政遙遠


【新唐人2012年5月22日訊】近來,廣東省委書記汪洋不斷高調談政改,引來外界關注。繼「破除幸福是黨賜予」的講話之後,最近汪洋又提出要「讓社會組織和公民充分自治」,再次為廣東政改試驗吹風。但有分析指出,雖然汪洋的主張有一些實質進步,但還沒有觸及憲政改革這個領域, 離真正意義上的「政改」還相差很遠。













採訪/劉惠 編輯/李謙 後製/柏妮

Wang Yang’s New Deal: Far from Constitutional Democracy

Wang Yang, Guangdong Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

Secretary has repeatedly mentioned political reform.

He has proposed “full self-governance of social

organizations and citizens."

This was after a speech on “Happiness is not given by CCP.”

However, analysis pointed out that Wang’s idea has little

relation with constitutional reform.

Wang’s idea is far away from constitutional democracy,

although what he claims can be seen as a real progress.

On May 17, “Nanfang Daily” published a survey report

by Wang Yang,

CCP Secretary of Guandong and member of the Politburo.

Wang Yang reported that Guangdong is a “vanguard

in deepening reform” based on the socialist market economy.

Wang mentioned the “small government” policy: To straighten

out the relationship between government and society.

To accelerate the development of social organization.

He also said way to enhance “self-healing” of society

by “self-governing of social organizations and citizens".

Wang Yang stated “self-governing of social organizations”

after he spoke about “the government should hand over

the handling of social organization businesses..

Sun Wenguang, retired Professor of Shandong University

said to NTD Television that Wang Yang belongs to reformists within the CCP.

His idea on market economy reform looks fine.

Sun Wenguang: “Under the leadership of the CCP,

the government becomes a big government.

Social organizations are scarce. However,

this situation is inconsistent with a democratic society.

The social organization should play a role in dealing

with social affairs.”

Commentator Wenzhao said that Wang Yang’s claims can

be seen as real progress, but did not show a clear direction.

Commentator Wenzhao: “How to convert what he said

into what he is going to do? There are two points.

The first is what kind of administrative approval procedures

can be canceled and let the social organizations self-control?

The second is what kind of social organizations

can be self-governing? ”

Wenzhao also mentioned that perhaps Wang’s target

can be achieved temporarily.

However, there is no institutional guarantee, so the CCP can

cancel “self-governance” at any time and with any reason.

Wenzhao: “Only with solving institutional issues, for example,

ending one-party CCP dictatorship, judicial independence,

or media really playing a supervisory role; then specific social

progress can be solidified as an outcome. An irreversible outcome.”

On May 9, Wang Yang made claims at the CCP Congress.

“We must get rid of misconceptions that people’s happiness

is a gift from CCP.”

Tang Boqiao, Rector of Chinese Democracy University said:

“Anyone, including Wang Yang, Wen Jiabao or Hu Jintao, if

they do not have blood on their hands, then they should know

that now is the time to cut away from the evil CCP regime.

Otherwise, they are going to perish together.”

Echoing Wang Yang, Li Liguo, Minister of Civil Affairs

in Wen Jiabao’s Cabinet spoke on this issue on May 7.

From the second half of 2011, they started direct

registration for certain kinds of social organizations.

Li Liguo emphasized at the same time that it is the same

registration process for political organizations and human rights organizations.
