【禁聞】懼清算拋黑鍋 傳公檢法三巨頭請辭



據報導,公安部長孟建柱曾於2009年和2010年,兩次向中共國務院請辭。最高人民法院院長王勝俊在去年3月下旬,向中央政治局、國務院提交辭 職信,並請了一週病假。而最高檢察院檢察長曹建明在2010年曾上書政治局,批評「長官意志」凌駕於法律,因此和周永康槓上,事後曹建明提出辭職。








蘭述:「共產黨和人性作對、反人類,並不等於每一個共產黨員或者是共產專政下他們這些工作人員都沒有人性,所以說,所有的這些公檢法的這些,特別 是公安系統,他們在鎮壓法輪功的過程之中,他每天也要跟他自己的人性做對。那麼你想啊,有多少人,天天願意跟自己善良的一面作對呢?就是很難繼續下去的。」



夏小強說 ,公檢法司三巨頭作爲中共的最高層人物,比普通民眾更加了解中共的現狀和真實內幕,他們都有為自己留後路的想法,那麽胡溫也更應該明白這一點。所以希望胡溫 能夠順應天意,利用手中的權 力,為中國的民眾和未來做點事情,那就是徹底清算江家幫的罪惡。

採訪/常春 編輯/王子琦 後製/周天

Fear of vengeance; rumor has it that the ‘three bigs’

ask for resignation

Hong Kong’s latest issue of “The Trend Magazine” reveals

Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) “Big Three Public

Security Heads” have quit their posts due to locking horns

with the head of Politics & Law Committee Zhou Yong Kang.

This is another explosive news since the infighting caused by

Wang Lijun affair at Zhongnanhai.

Analysts point out in the past ten years, Luo Gan and Zhou

Yong Kang single handedly ignored great public resentment.

Which caused all public security, procuratorate and judiciary

branches to worry that they will pay for their crimes later on.

According to reports in 2009 and 2010,

the minister of public security Meng JianZhu twice

submitted his resignation to the CCP State Council.

President of the Supreme People’s Court, Wang ShengJun

gave his resignation letter to the Central Political Bureau

and State Council. He also took a week of sick leave.

Supreme Procuratorate Cao Jianming wrote a letter to the

Politburo in 2010,

criticizing the fact that “senior official’s will” is above the law.

As a result he came in conflict with Zhou Yong Kang. Afterwards, Cao submitted his resignation.

Report says, Cao Jianming was initally picked as default heir

for the political & legal system of the Central Political Bureau.

However, this information has not received CCP officials’


Foreign Chinese internet author Xia XiaoQiang believes the

three’s resignations clarifies that Zhou YongKang’s great

powers have receded. They all have left him and will no longer

be scapegoats for him.

Xia XiaoQiang: “I feel that after Hu and Wen’s combined

attack on Xi Jinping, information on whether this is favorable

or not to the Jiang faction kept coming out, so it is possible to

forecast the behaviour of those high level officials.

For example Huang QiFan’s swift turn around will continue to


This reveals that now is the best time for Hu to openly

reveal Zhou Yong Kang and Jiang Zeming’s crimes

Xia XiaoQiang pointed out that since Jiang gained power, Luo

Gan and Zhou Yong Kang were promoted.

CCP’s Politics & Law Committee became an individual

department which stands outside of the law.

Public security, procuratorate, and judiciary branches being

forcefully controlled by the Politics & Law Committee, were unable to execute cases independently.

According to recent investigation in the Mainland, employees

of the procuratorate and judiciary branches were asked about Falun Gong and human rights advocates,

They said “We can’t do anything. This is pressure from the top.

You should go find the Politics & Law Committee or 610 Office.”

After Zhou YongKang’s backyard fire, current events analyst

Lan Shu believes

it is now very difficult for CCP to continue an authoritarian rule

over Public Security, Procuratorate and Judiciary branches.

She also revealed that in many Falun Gong detention camps

the guards are changed every several months.

Lan Shu: “The CCP goes against human nature, they are anti-

humanity, but it doesn’t mean every Party member is the same.

These people involved with the persecution of Falun Gong, in

particular Public Security guards, have to act against their conscience every day.

If you think about it, how many people are willing to

go against their compassionate side? So it is very hard for the CCP to continue.”

However, Lan Shu thinks that letting the Public Security,

procuratorate and judicature systems maintain so-called “stability” is fundamentally to gain interests.

Lan Shu: “They are all against Truthfulness, Compassion

and Tolerance.

They come together for interests,

but it is hard to balance everyone’s interests.”

Xia Xiaoqiang points out those top officials of the CCP

Public Security, Procuratorate and Judiciary are true insiders.

They have better understanding than ordinary Chinese

people on the CCP’s current situation.

They are preparing their way out.

Hu and Wen also should understand this.

I hope Hu and Wen follow God’s will, to use their power

to do something for the people in China.

That is, complete liquidation of the evil of Jiang’s Factions.
